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[ mem-uh-ran-duhm ] / ˌmɛm əˈræn dəm / SEE SYNONYMS FOR memorandum ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural mem·o·ran·dums, mem·o·ran·da [mem-uh-ran-duh]. /ˌmɛm əˈræn də/. a short note designating something to be remembered, especially something to be done or acted upon in the future; reminder. a record or written statement of something. an informal message, especially one sent between two or more employees of the same company, concerning company business: an interoffice memorandum. Law. a writing, usually informal, containing the terms of a transaction. Diplomacy. a summary of the state of an issue, the reasons for a decision agreed on, etc. a document transferring title to goods but authorizing the return of the goods to the seller at the option of the buyer. Origin of memorandum1400–50; late Middle English <Latin: something to be noted, noun use of neuter of memorandus, gerundive of memorāre to mention, tell OTHER WORDS FROM memorandumpre·mem·o·ran·dum, noun, plural pre·mem·o·ran·dums, pre·mem·o·ran·da.Words nearby memorandummemoirist, memoirs, memorabilia, memorabiliast, memorable, memorandum, memorandum of understanding, memorial, Memorial Day, memorialist, memorialize Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for memorandumThe House committee has sought to review the ethics memorandum, in part, to determine whether Emanuel complied with its recommendations. “Cover Up”: House Democrats Subpoena Documents That NLRB Refused to Share in Ethics Investigation|by Ian MacDougall|September 15, 2020|ProPublica President Donald Trump signed a memorandum last month to provide a $300 enhanced weekly unemployment benefit to be paid on top of state benefits. The federal $300 unemployment benefit is set to expire. Will there be a replacement?|Lance Lambert|September 14, 2020|Fortune In a 20-page document, known as a memorandum of intent, the two sides spelled out the rough terms of the deal. Rick Perry’s Ukrainian Dream|by Simon Shuster, TIME, and Ilya Marritz, WNYC|September 10, 2020|ProPublica The strategy, made clear in a memorandum called Our Path Forward, was to lean into subscriber growth. ‘Unstoppable innovator’: The meteoric rise of Meredith Kopit Levien, the next New York Times CEO|Steven Perlberg|August 19, 2020|Digiday
Crucial to such partnerships are clearly stated goals from the get-go, or airtight memoranda of understanding. There’s little evidence showing which police reforms work|Sujata Gupta|July 9, 2020|Science News The United States cannot simply walk away from the plain meaning of the Budapest Memorandum and leave Ukraine in the lurch. Obama Must Show He’ll Use Military Means to Deter Russia in Ukraine|Leslie H. Gelb|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST The memorandum begins by referring to the letter of “100 liberal American Jewish leaders.” How To Shrink The Pro-Israel Tent|Brent E. Sasley|April 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST Together they counted the men and the conductor checked the count with a memorandum. Connie Morgan in the Lumber Camps|James B. Hendryx Memorandum:—Billingsley (a village) is in the countie of Salop. Brief Lives (Vol. 1 of 2)|John Aubrey Memorandum,—The deaths have been calculated at the lowest rate under the best management. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, Complete|Charles Sturt Never thinking of any personal gain, he drew up a memorandum, which he submitted to his colonel. The Revellers|Louis Tracy I wish to learn what those papers are, as Captain Huxham may have made a memorandum of the property he possessed. The Solitary Farm|Fergus Hume
British Dictionary definitions for memorandum
noun plural -dums or -da (-də)a written statement, record, or communication such as within an office a note of things to be remembered an informal diplomatic communication, often unsigned: often summarizing the point of view of a government law a short written summary of the terms of a transaction Often (esp for senses 1, 2) shortened to: memo Word Origin for memorandumC15: from Latin: (something) to be remembered Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to memorandumannouncement, notice, directive, memo, diary, letter, message, notation, chit, record, dispatch, epistle, reminder, missive, minute, tickler, jotting |