to alter, modify, rephrase, or add to or subtract from (a motion, bill, constitution, etc.) by formal procedure: Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.
to change for the better; improve: to amend one's ways.
to remove or correct faults in; rectify.
verb (used without object)
to grow or become better by reforming oneself: He amends day by day.
Origin of amend
First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English amenden, from Old French amender, from Latin ēmendāre “to correct,” equivalent to ē- “out of, from” + mend(a) “blemish” + -āre infinitive suffix; see e-1
2 ameliorate, better.
4 ameliorate, better.
2 worsen.
4 worsen.
synonym study for amend
3. Amend,emend both mean to improve by correcting or by freeing from error. Amend is the general term, used of any such correction in detail: to amend spelling, punctuation, grammar.Emend usually applies to the correction of a text in the process of editing or preparing for publication; it implies improvement in the sense of greater accuracy: He emended the text of the play by restoring the original reading.
Since then, Voice of San Diego has discovered that Barrios did not disclose income he earned before starting his City Hall job, forcing him to amend an economic interest disclosure, and did not disclose his overlapping public- and private-sector pay.
Barrios Worked With Laborers as a Council Staffer Before Taking a Job There|Andrew Keatts and Jesse Marx|September 24, 2020|Voice of San Diego
The amended bill would ease the penalties for officers convicted of misconduct in a state where police discipline is secret.
How Criminal Cops Often Avoid Jail|by Andrew Ford, Asbury Park Press|September 23, 2020|ProPublica
The next month, the minimal requirements for manufacturing the polio vaccine were amended and continued to be updated as the science advanced.
Here’s What Happens When You Try to Scale Up Vaccine Production Too Quickly|Fiona Zublin|September 18, 2020|Ozy
The bill would amend Section 230 to give larger platforms just 24 hours to remove content determined by a court to be unlawful.
Why the most controversial US internet law is worth saving|Amy Nordrum|September 9, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The company in its amended filing noted that it has finally determined that Alexander Moore, Spencer Rascoff and Alexandra Schiff, who were recently hired as new independent directors of the company, are in fact independent.
In amended filing, Palantir admits it won’t have independent board governance for up to a year|Danny Crichton|September 3, 2020|TechCrunch
Anger about Citizens United has spurred a movement to amend the Constitution to reverse the opinion.
Undo Citizens United? We’d Only Scratch the Surface|Jedediah Purdy|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a result, Perry said the group is currently looking into whether to amend its FEC report to make that clear.
Bank Didn't Give Unsecured Loan To Super PAC|Ben Jacobs|May 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
However, Denham has said he will still try to amend the bill on the floor of the House.
Even a Path to Citizenship for Military Volunteers Is Too Much for House Republicans|Ben Jacobs|April 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Were they to amend their posture, they would only be further isolating themselves.
Obama Gambles Iran Nuke Talks to Punish Putin|Josh Rogin, Eli Lake|March 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Recently, two bills to amend Israel's Basic Law: The Government passed first readings in the Knesset.
Raising the Threshold or Pulling the Carpet Out From Under Israel's Minorities?|Marc Grey|October 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
This is it indeed which the devil desireth; he can allow you grief and desperation, but not to amend.
A Christian Directory (Volume 1 of 4)|Richard Baxter
He felt suddenly that for her sake he could overlook some of Mr. Grayson's faults, or at least seek to amend them.
The Candidate|Joseph Alexander Altsheler
Patience is no virtue of mine, and so far from appearing disposed to amend them, you daily multiply your errors.
Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume I (of 3)|James Dennistoun
I punish him by chaining him fast to that perch for a week; and as a rule he seems to amend his ways for a long time.
Fred Fenton on the Crew|Allen Chapman
It might amend money bills, might reject all legislation, and stop the machinery of government.
George Brown|John Lewis
British Dictionary definitions for amend
/ (əˈmɛnd) /
to improve; change for the better
to remove faults from; correct
to alter or revise (legislation, a constitution, etc) by formal procedure
Derived forms of amend
amendable, adjectiveamender, noun
Word Origin for amend
C13: from Old French amender, from Latin ēmendāre to emend