The best kind of cast iron scrubber also happens to look like it could be part of a medieval suit of armor.
These pieces of kitchen gear make excellent gifts|PopSci Commerce Team|October 6, 2020|Popular Science
Eventually, that data will help researchers plumb the depths of medieval microbiomes to understand how the microscopic populations of our intestines have evolved over the centuries.
Archaeologists delved into medieval cesspits to study old gut microbiomes|Kiona N. Smith|October 6, 2020|Ars Technica
For now, the study offers a few small hints about medieval life and suggests that ancient toilets have more to tell us.
Archaeologists delved into medieval cesspits to study old gut microbiomes|Kiona N. Smith|October 6, 2020|Ars Technica
To the artists who embraced it, including Leonardo, Rembrandt, and Vermeer, this fresh approach also established a sharp break from the hard, flat style of medieval art.
These Images Expose the Dark Side of the Solar System - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Corey S. Powell|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
Called folium, this watercolor had been used to paint images on the pages of medieval manuscripts.
Ancient recipes helped scientists resurrect a long-lost blue hue|Carolyn Wilke|May 26, 2020|Science News For Students
Even in the medieval era this disparity made Christians uncomfortable.
Oops! Jesus’ Last Steps Are in the Wrong Place|Candida Moss|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The folk memory of medieval community life had been wiped out by the industrial revolution.
How Dickens and Scrooge Saved Christmas|Clive Irving|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
If a Queen did cheat, her crimes fade into insignificance compared to the extensive philandering engaged in by medieval monarchs.
The Sex Life of King Richard III's Randy Great Great Great Grandfather|Tom Sykes|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is difficult to overstate how destructive the practice of dismembering ancient and medieval books is.
Dismembering History: The Shady Online Trade in Ancient Texts|Candida Moss|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
From reports it must once have been a lovely old city with stone houses and a medieval quarter.
Blood in the Sand: When James Jones Wrote a Grunt’s View of D-Day|James Jones|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
All the incidents of the medieval fairy-tale are viewed from the antique standpoint.
Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature, Vol. II (of 6): The Romantic School in Germany|Georg Brandes
Romance survives, of course; but it has lost the undisputed empery of fiction which it held in ancient and in medieval times.
Materials and Methods of Fiction|Clayton Hamilton
The chief heroes of the medieval Arthurian romances are the following.
A descriptive term for people, objects, events, and institutions of the Middle Ages.
notes for medieval
“Medieval” is sometimes used as a term of disapproval for outdated ideas and customs. It may suggest inhuman practices, such as torture of prisoners. (See Inquisition.)