

单词 matilda


[ muh-til-duh ]
/ məˈtɪl də /

noun Australian.

swag2 (def. 2).

Origin of matilda

First recorded in 1890–95; special use of proper name Matilda

Words nearby matilda

Matholwch, maths, Mathura, Mathusala, Matie, matilda, Matilija poppy, matin, matinée, matinée coat, matinée idol

Definition for matilda (2 of 2)

[ muh-til-duh; for 3 also Italian mah-teel-dah ]
/ məˈtɪl də; for 3 also Italian mɑˈtil dɑ /


Also called Maud [mawd] /mɔd/ .1102–67, empress of the Holy Roman Empire 1114–25; queen of England 1141 (daughter of Henry I of England).
Military. a 26½-ton British tank of early World War II, having a crew of four and armed with a 40 mm gun.
Also Ma·til·de [muh-til-duh; French ma-teeld; Italian mah-teel-de]. /məˈtɪl də; French maˈtild; Italian mɑˈtil dɛ/. a female given name.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for matilda

British Dictionary definitions for matilda (1 of 2)

/ (məˈtɪldə) /

noun Australian informal

a bushman's swag
waltz Matilda or walk Matilda to travel the road carrying one's swag

Word Origin for Matilda

C20: from the Christian name

British Dictionary definitions for matilda (2 of 2)

/ (məˈtɪldə) /


known as the Empress Maud. 1102–67, only daughter of Henry I of England and wife of Geoffrey of Anjou. After her father's death (1135) she unsuccessfully waged a civil war with Stephen for the English throne; her son succeeded as Henry II
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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