There seems to be a perception that the presence of the National Guard means that we’re one step closer to martial law.
Mobilizing the National Guard Doesn’t Mean Your State Is Under Martial Law. Usually.|by Logan Jaffe|September 17, 2020|ProPublica
Tim Dymmel, gym ownerA guy who has spent his entire life training in martial arts and lifting weights has zero interest in hearing that he looks less formidable.
The Gym-Free Pandemic Workout: Kettlebells, Indian Clubs, Sandbags, Oh My!|Eugene Robinson|August 25, 2020|Ozy
Some writers are mathematicians, rhetoricians, satirists, poets, or epigrammatists (Martial).
So-Called ‘Biblical Scholar’ Says Jesus A Made-Up Myth|Candida Moss, Joel Baden|October 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The discipline required for martial arts fed into the psychology of the character, who approaches everything mission by mission.
Dan Stevens Blows Up ‘Downton’: From Chubby-Cheeked Aristo to Lean, Mean American Psycho|Tim Teeman|September 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Nothing is particularly clear because Thailand is in the middle of political upheaval and governed by martial law.
The Wild, Wild West of Thai Surrogacy|Emily Shire|August 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Martial law descends on the city while the KGB knocks on doors of known dissidents.
The Belarus Free Theatre’s Badass Dissident Artists Get the HBO Treatment|Katie Baker|July 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While some polling shows a majority of ordinary Thais approve of martial law, the political class is roiled with suspicion.
Marshal vs. Martial: Do You Know The Difference?The homophones martial and marshal can cause a lot of confusion. We're here to bring some order to the differences between martial and marshal—and marshall!