of the surrounding area or environment: The tape recorder picked up too many ambient noises. The temperature in the display case was 20° lower than the ambient temperature.
completely surrounding; encompassing: the ambient air.
creating a certain reaction or mood, often a subconscious one, by being wherever people tend to be: ambient advertising on a shopping cart.
pertaining to or noting sounds that create a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere.
pertaining to or noting close and constant social contact and communication fostered by the internet or the use of digital devices: social media sites that enable ambient intimacy and awareness.
ambient music (def. 1).
Origin of ambient
First recorded in 1590–1600; from Latin ambient- (stem of ambiēns, present participle of ambīre “to go around”), equivalent to amb- ambi- + -i- “go” + -ent- -ent
There’s just a ton of business value in being able to run an engine efficiently and cleanly on a fuel that just sits in a glass at ambient conditions, which is what those alcohols do.
ClearFlame Engine Technologies takes aim at cleaning up diesel engines|Kirsten Korosec|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
In addition to cooling ambient air, conventional AC units have to dedicate huge amounts of energy to dealing with this water vapor, which retains considerable heat and makes it feel much more uncomfortable.
Air conditioning technology is the great missed opportunity in the fight against climate change|James Temple|September 1, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Some lights, such as the Vya Pro from Light and Motion or the Varia Smart Light from Garmin, automatically detect changes in ambient light and adjust intensity and flash rate accordingly.
What You Need to Know About Bike Lights|Aaron Rickel|August 26, 2020|Outside Online
In a city setting with more ambient light, you can get by with less.
What You Need to Know About Bike Lights|Aaron Rickel|August 26, 2020|Outside Online
Without nests or food, they brave the elements by huddling together on stable pack ice to maximize ambient heat and minimize exposure.
Math of the Penguins|Susan D'Agostino|August 17, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Lights will be ambient, allowing for the artwork to be spotlighted drawing specific attention to each unique piece.
They’re Done With YouTube. Now Cats Storm the Art-World|Justin Jones|January 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her 2013 release Lua Ya offers a beguiling type of Korean ambient vocal music, unlike anything else I heard during the year.
The Strangest and Most Surprising Recordings of 2013|Ted Gioia|December 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“I love Kanye—I met him at a fashion show,” Testino could be heard cooing before the ambient party-noise washed over them.
The Kardashian Hegemony: Mario and Kim Take Hollywood|Lloyd Grove|February 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The office is gloriously quiet, and always nice and cool, given the ambient Seattle climate and the orientation toward the north.
How I Write: Erik Larson Revisits ‘Isaac’s Storm’|Noah Charney|October 31, 2012|DAILY BEAST
These are hard times, and there's a lot of ambient anger looking for a target.
Good Candidates, Bad Election|David Frum|August 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST
I betook myself to Ambient's study, delighted to have a quiet hour to look over his books by myself.
The Author Of Beltraffio|Henry James
They have no knowledge of the ambient air, but the winds are the breath of beasts living in the four quarters of the earth.
Canyons of the Colorado|J. W. Powell
He tells us, too, “that every sight and sound from the vast earth and ambient air sent to his heart its choicest blessings.”
The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources|Daniel J. MacDonald
So likewise a little Air blown under the water, is united or thrust into a Bubble by the ambient water.
Micrographia|Robert Hooke
The sun was dipping to the western edge of the bare plain, and the air was filled with ambient gold.
A Romance in Transit|Francis Lynde
British Dictionary definitions for ambient
/ (ˈæmbɪənt) /
of or relating to the immediate surroundingsthe ambient temperature was 15°C
creating a relaxing atmosphereambient music
informalambient music
Word Origin for ambient
C16: from Latin ambiēns going round, from ambīre, from ambi- + īre to go