It remains to be seen whether government support has merely delayed heavy losses, or created a bridge for consumers and business until they to get to the other side of the economic malaise.
The biggest US banks show the worst is yet to come for the economy|John Detrixhe|October 16, 2020|Quartz
Add in worry over the global economic malaise, and the 2020 harvest is shaping up to be one of the most troublesome in memory.
Wildfires, trade wars, COVID-19: The 2020 global wine harvest may go down as the most challenging yet|Bernhard Warner|September 20, 2020|Fortune
It is a nostalgic, old-fashioned novel that nevertheless reflects the malaise of its era and prefigures our own technophiliac age.
Zen, Motorcycles, And The Cult of Tech: How Robert Pirsig’s Classic Anticipated the Future|Nathaniel Rich|August 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Moral equivalence and malaise, rather than red-hot ideology, motivates Haydon.
Iran’s Top Spy Is the Modern-Day Karla, John Le Carré’s Villainous Mastermind|Michael Weiss|July 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To combat the malaise, fast food joints are pursuing a high-low strategy, or, as I prefer to dub it, the “Moms and Bros” strategy.
Burger King Introduces Big King to Taunt McDonald’s and Stagnating Overall Sales|Daniel Gross|November 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Let us refuse to let this day of dying fade into memory and the malaise of resignation to things as they are.
After Newtown, This Has to Be the Time for Gun Control|Robert Shrum|December 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Romney's malaise, likely, is the result if an uninspiring vision and a shaky economic message.
Why Romney Can’t Seal the Deal|Daniel Stone|February 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST
This time he walked with considerable difficulty, and I noticed an expression of pain and malaise upon his rubicund countenance.
Doctor Therne|H. Rider Haggard
The patient suffers from malaise, indigestion, constipation and irregular, rapid and forcible action of the heart.