Although accuracy of editing has improved, there are still concerns that gene editors will make unwanted, “off-target” changes elsewhere in DNA that might cause harm.
Strict new guidelines lay out a path to heritable human gene editing|Tina Hesman Saey|September 3, 2020|Science News
Pre-pandemic, Palantir did generate unwanted attention for such contracts.
With new molecular biology techniques, researchers can fine-tune vaccines to have predetermined lifetimes, which could eliminate concerns over unwanted mutations or ongoing evolution of the vaccine organism.
Can Vaccines for Wildlife Prevent Human Pandemics?|Rodrigo Pérez Ortega|August 24, 2020|Quanta Magazine
You probably don’t have a sauna in your house — and public ones seem like a good place to pass unwanted germs.
This Weekend: You’ll Never Bathe the Same Way Again|Joshua Eferighe|August 21, 2020|Ozy
If CRISPR creates the wrong mutation, this could give the horse an unwanted trait.
What would it take to make a unicorn?|Carolyn Wilke|March 4, 2020|Science News For Students
Girls raised in households with more equitable fathers show lower rates of unwanted sex.
How Good Dads Can Change the World|Gary Barker, PhD, Michael Kaufman|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Long and his constituents got their way: The buses turned around and the unwanted immigrants aboard them were taken elsewhere.
Blue State Anti-Immigrant Hate: Rallies Spread to the East Coast|Caitlin Dickson|July 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And having an unwanted man charge under your dress is just plain scary, whether or not you're on the red carpet.
An Analysis of Vitalii Sediuk’s Pranks (He’s the Guy Who Touched Brad Pitt)|Amy Zimmerman|May 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
People in that capacity provide wisdom, but also unwanted judgment and authority.
John Slattery on the ‘Mad Men’ Midseason Finale, Roger Sterling’s Power Move, and ‘God’s Pocket’|Marlow Stern|May 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This unwanted cell replication is more commonly known as cancer.
This Is the Way You’ll Live Forever|Dr. Anand Veeravagu, MD, Tej Azad|May 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Women, especially from royal families, fled to monasteries to obtain shelter from unwanted marriage or to avoid their husbands.
Our Legal Heritage, 5th Ed.|S. A. Reilly
At first there had been endless interference between minds trying to reach each other while fighting off unwanted calls.
Cerebrum|Albert Teichner
After this unwanted diversion, he returned and (with starts of rage) barked out the rest of his song.
The Bonadventure|Edmund Blunden
Leaving him there, with his beautiful, unwanted works about him, I always encounter a certain wave of spiritual depression.
The Corner of Harley Street|Henry Bashford
You preferred the rle of Unwanted Woman, as giving more scope to your histrionic powers.