Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong started a maelstrom when he said his company would engage “minimally” around politics.
Coinbase says 60 employees are leaving over its apolitical stance|Lucinda Shen|October 9, 2020|Fortune
In the midst of a maelstrom, these technologies—among them social media, mobile apps, analytics, and cloud computing—help communities cope with the pandemic and learn crucial lessons.
Digital Technologies Will Help Build Resilient Communities After the Coronavirus Pandemic|Yolande E. Chan|September 30, 2020|Singularity Hub
Amid the maelstrom of negative news about the dangers of misinformation and the exploitation of private data, it’s easy to lose sight of how technology can help the greater cause.
Want to Fix Your Country? Czech This Box|Dan Peleschuk|August 13, 2020|Ozy
Ruffalo, who plays his brother, is great as the steady hand amid a maelstrom of emotion.
Channing Tatum Is the Real Star of ‘Foxcatcher'|Nico Hines|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I directed the 15th episode, which was right in the middle of a maelstrom of shooting and cutting The Divide.
Tony Goldwyn Tackles Political Scandal Again on ‘The Divide’|Jason Lynch|July 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the midst of this maelstrom came a strange and determinedly anachronistic new novel by William Goldman.
American Dreams, 1973: The Princess Bride by William Goldman|Nathaniel Rich|August 28, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Had the election been close there, a maelstrom of litigation would have made us pine for hanging chads and Katherine Harris.
Obama Needs to Embrace Voting Reform in 2013 State of the Union|Michael Waldman, Lawrence Norden|February 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Into this maelstrom of sorrow and rage stepped Rahul Gandhi.
How Rahul Gandhi Blew the Indian Rape Crisis|Dilip D’Souza|January 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It was not obvious to her; he had put her into a maelstrom of puzzles, but she did not tell him so.
Captivity|M. Leonora Eyles
The officiating priests, however, remained unconvinced, and threw themselves without reserve into the maelstrom of revolution.
History of the Jews, Vol. II (of 6)|Heinrich Graetz
No whirlpool, not Maelstrom itself, could fright them as those four men.
Gwen Wynn|Mayne Reid
He will carry on his struggle in the maelstrom of a large city, possibly Chicago.
The Vice Bondage of a Great City or the Wickedest City in the World|Robert O. Harland
Yet there were charming people, both men and women, caught protesting in the maelstrom.
Shadows of Flames|Amelie Rives
British Dictionary definitions for maelstrom (1 of 2)
/ (ˈmeɪlstrəʊm) /
a large powerful whirlpool
any turbulent confusion
Word Origin for maelstrom
C17: from obsolete Dutch maelstroom, from malen to grind, whirl round + stroomstream
British Dictionary definitions for maelstrom (2 of 2)
/ (ˈmeɪlstrəʊm) /
a strong tidal current in a restricted channel in the Lofoten Islands off the NW coast of Norway