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[ mad-hous ] / ˈmædˌhaʊs / SEE SYNONYMS FOR madhouse ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural mad·hous·es [mad-hou-ziz]. /ˈmædˌhaʊ zɪz/. a hospital for the confinement and treatment of mentally disturbed persons. a wild, confused, and often noisy place, set of circumstances, etc.: The office was a madhouse today. Origin of madhouseFirst recorded in 1680–90; mad + house SYNONYMS FOR madhouseSEE SYNONYMS FOR madhouse ON THESAURUS.COM Words nearby madhousemade-to-measure, made-to-order, made-up, Madge, Mad Hatter syndrome, madhouse, Madhya Bharat, Madhyamika, Madhya Pradesh, Madian, Madiba Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for madhouseNot so long before, executions had been popular entertainment and trips to a madhouse were like going to the circus. The Magazine That Made—and Unmade—Politicians|Anthony Haden-Guest|November 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST Before long, it was a madhouse—both literally and figuratively. Inside Beacher's Madhouse, L.A.'s Craziest Nightclub|Marlow Stern|June 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST And to state the obvious, Gosnell's madhouse was not what I was marching for. Kermit Gosnell Found Guilty of Murdering Three Babies|Megan McArdle|May 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST Madhouse went bust last year; the company was reportedly bought by a new owner around the time the label came to light. The Rise of Sexist Fashion, From Plain Jane Homme to Disney|Soraya Roberts|May 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The backstage area of a fashion show is almost always a madhouse. Backstage at Marchesa Spring/Summer 2013|Isabel Wilkinson, Kevin Tachman|September 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST In the night they were all taken with hallucinations, so that the pious convent was like a madhouse. Poisons: Their Effects and Detection|Alexander Wynter Blyth A madhouse is the place for the man who wants to live ou'doors in the winter time; the poor-farm is too good for him. The Village Watch-Tower|(AKA Kate Douglas Riggs) Kate Douglas Wiggin Every retail shop turned into a madhouse with the inmates all running wild. Ladies and Gentlemen |Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury) Cobb We must release Padovini from the madhouse,” he said, “and put Manin in his place. Builders of United Italy|Rupert Sargent Holland Its records read like those of a madhouse where religious maniacs have broken loose and locked up their keepers. A History of the United States|Cecil Chesterton
British Dictionary definitions for madhouse
noun informala mental hospital or asylum a state of uproar or confusion Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to madhouseturmoil, bedlam, chaos, pandemonium, uproar, asylum, sanitarium, loony bin, mental hospital, psychiatric hospital |