

单词 macroaggregate


[ mak-roh-ag-ri-git, -geyt ]
/ ˌmæk roʊˈæg rɪ gɪt, -ˌgeɪt /


Geology. an aggregate of soil particles held together by various constituents of organic matter: macroaggregates as a rule are larger than 250 micrometers in diameter and are usually found in untilled or otherwise undisturbed soil.
Biochemistry. a visible aggregate of biological molecules.

verb (used with object) mac·ro·ag·gre·gat·ed, mac·ro·ag·gre·gat·ing.

Biochemistry, Geology. to collect into a relatively large aggregate: By macroaggregating certain molecules, we can facilitate a number of medical applications.

verb (used without object) mac·ro·ag·gre·gat·ed, mac·ro·ag·gre·gat·ing.

Biochemistry, Geology. to combine and form a relatively large aggregate: It may seem that all is motionless beneath the surface, but particles of earth, excretions of worms, filaments of roots, and bits of fungus are very busy macroaggregating.

Origin of macroaggregate

First recorded in 1960–65; macro- + aggregate

Words nearby macroaggregate

macramé, Macready, macrencephaly, macro, macroadenoma, macroaggregate, macroaggregated albumin, macroamylase, macroamylasemia, macrobiosis, macrobiotic
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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