Anti-vaxxers have also seized on the fact that some developers are using a relatively new technology called messenger RNA that attempts to alter the body’s protein-making machinery.
Liberal, Educated … and Anti-Vaxxer: Pandemic Births New Vaccine Doubters|Charu Kasturi|August 25, 2020|Ozy
It looks circular, but this is because of some impressive perceptual machinery in your mind.
This Vision Experiment Resolved a Centuries-Old Philosophical Debate - Facts So Romantic|Jim Davies|August 14, 2020|Nautilus
They built a model to explain why the photosynthetic machinery of plants wastes green light.
Why Are Plants Green? To Reduce the Noise in Photosynthesis.|Rodrigo Pérez Ortega|July 30, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Somehow they’ve managed to fine-tune their machinery so that it’s perfectly suited to conditions in that ice.
He Found ‘Islands of Fertility’ Beneath Antarctica’s Ice|Steve Nadis|July 20, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Standard ultrasound machinery is around 15 times heavier than the Butterfly iQ, which displays images on a mobile app.
What will astronauts need to survive the dangerous journey to Mars?|Maria Temming|July 15, 2020|Science News
In the same way, bikes no longer look to me like a single mass of machinery.
Biking With the Bard|Kara Cutruzzula|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While not all 86 million maintain positions of governance or public service, the Party's machinery runs on watchmaker precision.
China’s Internet Is Freer Than You Think|Brendon Hong|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We have provided the machinery to restore our financial system; it is up to you to support and make it work.
FDR: King of All Media|John Avlon|September 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Westport is also working with machinery giant Caterpillar on new locomotives.
Diesel Trains May Soon Use Natural Gas Instead|The Daily Beast|May 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Only the public can shut down the machinery of death—if it sees it killing.
The Supreme Court Will Never Kill the Death Penalty, Even With Botched Executions|Mike Sacks|May 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There should be a good opening for machinery for extracting the oil.
Notes on Agriculture in Cyprus and Its Products|William Bevan
The machinery has now been added to, and the result will certainly go to swell these figures considerably more in the near future.
Uruguay|W. H. Koebel
Coals and salt, machinery and manufactured goods, can be distributed easily from the great towns that produce them.
Cheshire|Charles E. Kelsey
The motor was started and the machinery began to hum and throb.
Tom Swift and his Wireless Message|Victor Appleton
Immediately the room grew so still that one could hear Tik-Tok's machinery whirring 'round.
The Royal Book of Oz|L. Frank Baum
British Dictionary definitions for machinery
/ (məˈʃiːnərɪ) /
machines, machine parts, or machine systems collectively
a particular machine system or set of machines
a system similar to a machinethe machinery of government