Like districts across the country, Baltimore’s was unprepared.
The Students Left Behind by Remote Learning|by Alec MacGillis|September 28, 2020|ProPublica
Instead, they prepare for a wide range of plausible scenarios to avoid finding themselves in situations that they are unprepared to manage, or where they need to invent solutions and implement them at the same time.
How to plan your life during a pandemic|Amy Nordrum|September 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Policymakers, having left America unprepared for what’s next, now face brutal choices about which communities to save — often at exorbitant costs — and which to sacrifice.
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration|by Abrahm Lustgarten, photography by Meridith Kohut|September 15, 2020|ProPublica
His family feels they weathered his death alone, unprepared to relieve his suffering.
Sent Home to Die|by Annie Waldman and Joshua Kaplan|September 2, 2020|ProPublica
Yet when he landed in Manila to find out more, he was still unprepared.
This Hoops Hotbed Is Set to Take Off|Pallabi Munsi|August 20, 2020|Ozy
Unprepared, and a laughingstock because of his handicap, Yarvi is bullied on every front—even by his mother.
A Fantasy Titan Invades the YA Kingdom|William O’Connor|July 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The flying debris and open sewage were the first of many shocks that would unsettle an unprepared visitor.
vulnerable, unaware, ad-lib, ill-considered, impromptu, improvised, off the cuff, offhand, spontaneous, surprised, unexpected, unplanned, unrehearsed, unschooled, unskilled, untrained, napping, unready, winged, off the top of one's head