to cause to malfunction, especially computer hardware or software: Installing updates in the wrong order will bork all of your saved games.The fonts are borked when the site is accessed from a mobile device.
to mess up, ruin, break, botch, etc.: He said all of the wrong things during his interview and completely borked his chances of being invited back.Of course I borked my leg on the first day of our ski trip.
Origin of bork
First recorded in 2000–05; perhaps an alteration of break, influenced by bork2
Words nearby bork
Boris I, Boris III, borism, Borisov, Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome, bork, Borlaug, borlotti bean, borm, Borman, Bormann
Definition for bork (2 of 2)
[ bawrk ]
/ bɔrk /
verb (used with object)
to attack (a candidate or public figure) systematically, especially in the media.
Origin of bork
An Americanism dating back to 1988; after Judge Robert H. Bork, whose appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court was blocked in 1987 after an extensive media campaign by his opponents