[ bas -chuh n, -tee-uh n ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈbæs tʃən, -ti ən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun Fortification . a projecting portion of a rampart or fortification that forms an irregular pentagon attached at the base to the main work.
a fortified place.
anything seen as preserving or protecting some quality, condition, etc.: a bastion of solitude; a bastion of democracy.
Origin of bastion 1590–1600; <Middle French <Italian bastione, equivalent to Upper Italian bastí (a ) bastion, originally, fortified, built (cognate with Italian bastita, past participle of bastire to build <Germanic; see baste1 ) + -one augmentative suffix
SYNONYMS FOR bastion 2 fortress, fort, bulwark, stronghold, citadel.
OTHER WORDS FROM bastion bas·tion·ar·y [bas -chuh -ner-ee], /ˈbæs tʃəˌnɛr i/, adjective bastioned, adjective Words nearby bastion bastille, Bastille Day, bastinade, bastinado, basting, bastion , bastnaesite, Bastogne, Bastrop, Basuto, Basutoland
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for bastion Overnight, they morphed from bastion s of leisure into pariahs of the sea, floating hotspots crammed with tourists, sick and well.
Inside the Fall of the CDC | by James Bandler, Patricia Callahan, Sebastian Rotella and Kirsten Berg| October 15, 2020| ProPublica
The capital city, a liberal bastion , was so inundated by September that it had to cut off applications at 6,000.
Wisconsin election officials go from famine to feast with a swell of poll workers | Dan Simmons| October 8, 2020| Washington Post
Let’s talk Ariel, the heroine of the film, one of the core Disney princesses, and a bastion of compulsory heterosexuality.
Toward a queer Disney canon | Emily VanDerWerff| September 4, 2020| Vox
None of this should suggest that 1998 Mulan is a bastion of progressivism.
The history of Mulan, from a 6th-century ballad to the live-action Disney movie | Constance Grady| September 4, 2020| Vox
The tweets linking to the National Review, that bastion of LGBT equality.
How Canadian Oilmen Pinkwash the Keystone Pipeline | Jay Michaelson| December 28, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But that was not to be, and Kansas will continue as a Republican bastion for the foreseeable future.
Kansas Republicans Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback Lifted by Rising Tide | Ben Jacobs| November 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Fairfax County, the most populous jurisdiction in the state, was once a Republican bastion .
Virginia Election: 5 Things to Watch Tuesday | Ben Jacobs| November 5, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Kentucky, a bastion of anti-government ire, is the top state for Obamacare enrollment.
Obamacare Is Winning in Kentucky, Thanks to Steve Beshear | Jonathan Miller| October 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Kaine could be boosted by his subcommittee, a bastion of support for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
How Tim Kaine Can Boost the Peace Process | Rachel Cohen| July 31, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The wood and twigs the Swedes had piled against the defensive works before the bastion , had been set on fire.
The Young Carpenters of Freiberg | Anonymous
No arrow was shot from the walls, not a stone was thrown, not a head was seen upon the bastion .
The remainder of his troops diverged a little to the right to escalade the breach in the Kashmir bastion .
Forty-one years in India | Frederick Sleigh Roberts
What was our surprise to see every bastion mounted with heavy guns and the walls full manned.
Heralds of Empire | Agnes C. Laut
These cries are to be given from the tree, and the man stationed on this bastion will be prepared to report them promptly to me.
The Boy Scouts at the Battle of Saratoga | Herbert Carter
British Dictionary definitions for bastion noun a projecting work in a fortification designed to permit fire to the flanks along the face of the wall
any fortified place
a thing or person regarded as upholding or defending an attitude, principle, etc the last bastion of opposition
Word Origin for bastion C16: from French, from earlier bastillon bastion, from bastille Bastille
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to bastion stronghold, mainstay, citadel, fortress, bulwark, parapet, protection, fortification, support, prop, defense, rock, breastwork, tower of strength