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[ uhn-frend-lee ] / ʌnˈfrɛnd li / SEE SYNONYMS FOR unfriendly ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, un·friend·li·er, un·friend·li·est.not amicable; not friendly or kindly in disposition; unsympathetic; aloof: an unfriendly coldness of manner. hostile; antagonistic: an unfriendly act of aggression. unfavorable; inhospitable or inimical, as an environment: an unfriendly climate for new ideas. Origin of unfriendlybefore 900; Middle English (adj.); Old English unfreondlīche (adv.). See un-1, friendly OTHER WORDS FROM unfriendlyun·friend·li·ness, nounWords nearby unfriendlyunfranked income, unfreeze, unfrequented, unfriend, unfriended, unfriendly, unfrock, unfroze, unfruitful, unfulfilled, unfunded Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for unfriendlyOne of her most pointed criticisms is that people on the folk scene weren't as unfriendly as the film paints them. Why No Oscar Love For 'Inside Llewyn Davis'?|Tim Teeman|January 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST Just how unfriendly are Republicans to the idea of changing the law for unions now? Obama’s Labor Pains: Unions Rage Against the Affordable Care Act|Patricia Murphy|September 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST And the second is that government agencies have a tendency to be unfriendly to groups that are unfriendly to them. Yes, What Happened at the IRS is a Scandal|Megan McArdle|May 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST They warned prisoners of upcoming searches of their cells by unfriendly colleagues. Can Maryland Clean Up Out-of-Control Baltimore Jail Corruption?|David Freedlander|April 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The channels ignored the deputies, and one outlet even aired a show called Apocalypse: Unfriendly Universe several times a week. Russians Prepare for World’s End, Buy Candles and Vodka|Anna Nemtsova|December 11, 2012|DAILY BEAST With the Luxemburger 411as with the Bavarian, Edward's relations were unfriendly. The History of England|T.F. Tout On all sides was a vast wilderness, inhabited only by wild beasts and unfriendly Indians. Four American Naval Heroes|Mabel Beebe The French Government had been warned long before that an invasion of this region would be regarded as an Pg 727 unfriendly act. A History of England|Charles Oman Also he had heard that the ranchers were unfriendly to those who bought land from the company. Desert Conquest|A. M. Chisholm About themselves they are naturally taciturn, and public and unfriendly criticism has been proved to be a hazardous diversion. Sergeant York And His People|Sam Cowan
British Dictionary definitions for unfriendly
adjective -lier or -liestnot friendly; hostile unfavourable or disagreeable adverbrare in an unfriendly manner Derived forms of unfriendlyunfriendliness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to unfriendlycombative, antagonistic, chilly, inhospitable, hateful, unfavorable, acrimonious, against, alien, aloof, antisocial, censorious, cold, competitive, conflicting, contrary, disaffected, disagreeable, distant, grouchy |