“Fashion victim,” we say, to refer to a clueless lover of brands and logos.
The Fashion Victims of Bangladesh|Bernard-Henri Lévy|May 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He also, apparently, got tattoos of the logos for BET and WorldStarHipHop.com in the hopes of getting their attention.
RiFF RaFF on Being James Franco’s Alleged ‘Spring Breakers’ Inspiration|Marlow Stern|March 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The foundational concepts of philosophy enclose the logos, and reason, within a sort of 'closure.'
Derrida’s ‘Of Grammatology’ and the Birth of Deconstruction|Benoît Peeters|December 21, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He has always said that he designs for a woman who is confident enough to shun visible labels and logos.
Ode to Joy: Dolce, Versace and Bottega in Milan for Spring 2013|Robin Givhan|September 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The Daily Pic: Logos of our bankrupt banks, assembled by an art collective called Superflex.
Blame the Graphic Designers|Blake Gopnik|March 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST
And as the Torah is the Logos, so also its particular precepts are Logoi.
Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria|Norman Bentwich
What such passages mean is that the separation of the Logos is a stage in man's progress up to the true idea of God.
Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria|Norman Bentwich
With the issuing forth of the Logos from God began the realisation of the idea of the world.
History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)|Adolph Harnack
All these beings are, as it were, comprehended in the Logos.
History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)|Adolph Harnack
Lest you should disbelieve these, the Logos of God has himself become man that you might learn from man how man may become God.
The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire|T. R. Glover
British Dictionary definitions for logos (1 of 2)
/ (ˈlɒɡɒs) /
philosophyreason or the rational principle expressed in words and things, argument, or justification; esp personified as the source of order in the universe
Word Origin for logos
C16: from Greek: word, reason, discourse, from legein to speak
British Dictionary definitions for logos (2 of 2)
/ (ˈlɒɡɒs) /
Christian theolthe divine Word; the second person of the Trinity incarnate in the person of Jesus