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Example sentences from the Web for unconsecratedGliding over to Tristan he thrust this unconsecrated wafer into his doublet. Under the Witches' Moon|Nathan Gallizier He, accordingly, began to preach in barns and other unconsecrated places. The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, Volume I (of 2)|Luke Tyerman Can the geologist or the chemist discern any difference between the consecrated and the unconsecrated division in a cemetery? Flowers of Freethought|George W. Foote The first allowance settled on the heir to his unconsecrated royal father's uncertain fortunes was ten crowns a month. Charles the Bold|Ruth Putnam
He believed Ramona was dead, buried in some unknown, unconsecrated spot, never to be found; yet he would not give up the search. Ramona|Helen Hunt Jackson
adjectivenot having been made or declared sacred or holy Words nearby unconsecrateduncongenial, unconnected, unconscionable, unconscious, unconsciousness, unconsecrated, unconsidered, unconstitutional, unconstitutional strike, unconstrained, unconstraint Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to unconsecratedblasphemous, abusive, vulgar, indecent, sacrilegious, obscene, irreverent, nasty, coarse, dirty, foul, unhallowed, deconsecrated, atheistic, filthy, godless, heathen, idolatrous, impious, impure |