It’s unclear exactly how the deal will be structured, or if Oracle will be given access to the app’s coveted algorithm.
TikTok’s enormous value isn’t just in its algorithm|Adam Epstein|September 15, 2020|Quartz
Going forward, Oceanside’s city manager said she’ll be relying on community members to guide her, but she plans to keep those people anonymous until after her decision is made, leaving it unclear who is influencing her in the process.
Morning Report: Oceanside Reboots Top Cop Search|Voice of San Diego|September 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Lorson is now pulling together two groups of community panelists to interview candidates and guide her decision, she said, but she plans to keep those groups anonymous until the decision is made, leaving it unclear who is influencing her decision.
Oceanside Is Rethinking Its Police Chief Hiring Process Following Community Concerns|Kayla Jimenez|September 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
It’s unclear whether the participant who fell ill had two doses or one.
AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine is back on track after getting the green light to resume trials in the U.K.|Bernhard Warner|September 13, 2020|Fortune
What’s unclear is how the company will handle misinformation about election results from users.
How Google, Facebook, and Twitter plan to handle misinformation surrounding 2020 presidential election results|Danielle Abril|September 10, 2020|Fortune
Exactly why is unclear; their previous hacks seem to have just been for the Lulz (laughs in Internet-speak) and the attention.
The Attack on the Hidden Internet|Marc Rogers|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Indeed, it's unclear what, if any, benefits the average Cuban will reap from increased diplomacy between the two countries.
Castro's Hipster Apologists Want to Keep Cuba ‘Authentically’ Poor|Michael Moynihan|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was unclear, as the protests wound down, whether there were any injuries and how many arrests had been made.
‘I Can’t Breathe’ Makes It Onto the Court for Will and Kate to See|Jacob Siegel|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So Western governments are caught in a cat-and-mouse game and at times it is unclear who is the cat and who the mouse.
ISIS Has a Message. Do We?|Jamie Dettmer|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is unclear whom the perpetrators were or what actions were taken.
Special Forces’ $77M ‘Hustler’ Hits Back|Kevin Maurer|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Presumably Richard Tyler, but the last two letters of the surname are unclear.
Contributions From the Museum of History and Technology|Ivor Noel Hume
Page 367: Unclear whether the punctuation after "Ramsay Macdonald" is a comma or period.
The London Mercury, Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, November 1919 to April 1920|Various
Surely at least the unclear conception of an adaptively transformative influence of food must be discarded.
On Germinal Selection as a Source of Definite Variation|August Weismann
The phone may then ring, but for a moment it can be unclear whether we are just imagining this.
When You Don't Know Where to Turn|Steven J. Bartlett
It is unclear, metaphysical, and whatever good there is in it, I spoil.
The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume--1895-1899)|Leo Tolstoi