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[ uhn-siv-uhl ] / ʌnˈsɪv əl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR uncivil ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivewithout good manners; unmannerly; rude; impolite; discourteous. uncivilized. Origin of uncivilFirst recorded in 1545–55; un-1 + civil SYNONYMS FOR uncivil1 disrespectful, uncouth, boorish. SEE SYNONYMS FOR uncivil ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM uncivilun·ci·vil·i·ty [uhn-suh-vil-i-tee], /ˌʌn səˈvɪl ɪ ti/, un·civ·il·ness, nounun·civ·il·ly, adverbWords nearby unciviluncinate process, uncinus, UNCIO, uncircumcised, uncircumcision, uncivil, uncivilized, unclad, unclaimed, unclamp, unclasp Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for uncivil“In this uncivil twilight, we make our own choices, we wear our true faces,” he says. The Werewolf Novel as Post-9/11 Political Allegory?|Roxane Gay|May 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST Uncivil Liberties By Calvin Trillin I spent my college years deep into the great humorists: Benchley, Perelman, Woody Allen. David Brooks's Favorite Books|David Brooks|March 8, 2011|DAILY BEAST When it becomes "uncivil" to call out liars, lying becomes free. How Obama Enables Rush|Rick Perlstein|November 6, 2010|DAILY BEAST More than a tempest in a teapot, a most uncivil war is brewing. Democrats Betrayed Us|Mark McKinnon|August 20, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Extreme partisanship and uncivil political discourse is not the best way to accomplish anything in Washington. Why I Hate the Politics of Hate|Meghan McCain|May 9, 2010|DAILY BEAST And then—to be so eager to continue the acquaintanceship with the uncivil girl! Nan Sherwood at Lakeview Hall|Annie Roe Carr Well, well, because you are an uncivil man is no reason why I should be an uncivil man too. The Dead Secret|Wilkie Collins Half the people I ever knew there are dead, and the rest are uncivil. Lady Rose's Daughter|Mrs. Humphry Ward He did mind, not bargaining for learning lessons in the holidays; but he could not show himself so uncivil a boor as to refuse. Dr. Jolliffe's Boys|Lewis Hough I want to know,' I says, 'why I am sent away in this uncivil manner?' The Fallen Leaves|Wilkie Collins
British Dictionary definitions for uncivil
adjectivelacking civility or good manners an obsolete word for uncivilized Derived forms of unciviluncivility (ˌʌnsɪˈvɪlɪtɪ) or uncivilness, noununcivilly, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to uncivilabrupt, barbaric, blunt, boorish, coarse, curt, discourteous, gross, gruff, ill-mannered, impolite, inconsiderate, insulting, uncivilized, uncouth, uncultured, unfriendly, ungentlemanly, unmannerly, unpolished |