It adds Facebook “has held an unassailable position in the social network market for nearly a decade.”
Congressional report blasts Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook as monopolistic ‘gatekeepers’ of the digital economy|Greg Sterling|October 7, 2020|Search Engine Land
But its hope for a better future and its expressed faith in God and the children of God is unassailable.
Martin Luther King’s Nobel Speech Is an Often Ignored Masterpiece|Malcolm Jones|October 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It might have been used as confirmation that a unique and cozy “special relationship” between the two nations was unassailable.
Blood and War: The Hard Truth About ‘Boots on the Ground’|Clive Irving|September 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“His party credentials are unassailable,” says veteran GOP strategist Ralph Reed.
The Reinvention of Ted Cruz|Michelle Cottle|March 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Bibi Netanyahu called for an early vote from an apparent position of unassailable strength.
Israel’s Election Could Be Bad News for Netanyahu|Robert Shrum|January 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He said that the Americans talk about an Israeli strike “almost as a given—as a clear, unassailable fact.”
Is There Really a U.S. Rift With Israel?|Dan Raviv, Yossi Melman|July 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He began to believe what was commonly said of her, that her virtue, physical and ethical, was unassailable.
The Plunderer|Roy Norton
Trella did not want to believe Jakdane was right, but his reasoning was unassailable.
The Jupiter Weapon|Charles Louis Fontenay
This is indeed a most effective position: it exasperates, while it is unassailable.
Pagan Papers|Kenneth Grahame
And such a marriage would be perfectly legal and unassailable?
Pearl of Pearl Island|John Oxenham
For three months she held her ground as the martyr of her religion, an unassailable position.