单词 | limber |
释义 | limber1[ lim-ber ] / ˈlɪm bər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR limber ON THESAURUS.COM adjectivecharacterized by ease in bending the body; supple; lithe. bending readily; flexible; pliant. verb (used without object)to make oneself limber (usually followed by up): to limber up before the game. verb (used with object)to make (something) limber (usually followed by up): She tried to limber up her wits before the exam. Origin of limber1First recorded in 1555–65; perhaps akin to limb1 SYNONYMS FOR limber2 pliable. SEE SYNONYMS FOR limber ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR limber1, 2 stiff. 2 rigid, unbending. SEE ANTONYMS FOR limber ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for limber2. See flexible. OTHER WORDS FROM limberlim·ber·ly, adverblim·ber·ness, nounWords nearby limberlimb, limba, limbate, limb bud, limbed, limber, limber hole, limberneck, limber pine, limber up, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy Definition for limber (2 of 3)limber2 [ lim-ber ] / ˈlɪm bər / nouna two-wheeled vehicle, originally pulled by four or six horses, behind which is towed a field gun or caisson. verb (used with object)to attach the limber to (a gun) in preparation for moving away (sometimes followed by up). verb (used without object)to attach a limber to a gun (usually followed by up). Origin of limber21400–50; late Middle English lymo(u)r pole of a vehicle. See limb1, -er1 Definition for limber (3 of 3)limber3 [ lim-ber ] / ˈlɪm bər / nounUsually limbers. Nautical. a passage or gutter in which seepage collects to be pumped away, located on each side of a central keelson; bilge. Origin of limber31620–30; perhaps <French lumière hole, light <Late Latin lūmināria;see luminaria Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for limberBritish Dictionary definitions for limber (1 of 3)limber1 / (ˈlɪmbə) / adjectivecapable of being easily bent or flexed; pliant able to move or bend freely; agile Derived forms of limberlimberly, adverblimberness, nounWord Origin for limberC16: origin uncertain British Dictionary definitions for limber (2 of 3)limber2 / (ˈlɪmbə) / nounpart of a gun carriage, often containing ammunition, consisting of an axle, pole, and two wheels, that is attached to the rear of an item of equipment, esp field artillery verb(usually foll by up) to attach the limber (to a gun, etc) Word Origin for limberC15 lymour shaft of a gun carriage, origin uncertain British Dictionary definitions for limber (3 of 3)limber3 / (ˈlɪmbə) / noun(often plural) nautical (in the bilge of a vessel) a fore-and-aft channel through a series of holes in the frames (limber holes) where water collects and can be pumped out Word Origin for limberC17: probably changed from French lumière hole (literally: light) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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