Lily Allen explained away the poor sales and ho-hum critical reception to Sheezus by…basically blaming other people.
The Biggest Bombs of 2014: ‘Sex Tape,’ Mariah Carey’s Vocals, ‘How I Met Your Mother’ and More|Kevin Fallon|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One person who tuned into my story was Matt Creed, the director of Lily.
Blogger Shares and Shames Cancer in ‘Lily’|Amy Grantham|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At least for now, Modern Family is taking the less-is-more approach, and resisting turning it into The Lily Show.
Stop Hating on ‘Modern Family’ (But Also Stop Giving It Emmys)|Jason Lynch|October 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I met him because his daughter, Lily, and my daughter, Harley, are friends.
Kevin Smith's Marijuanaissance: On 'Tusk,' 'Falling Out' with Ben Affleck, and 20 Years of 'Clerks'|Marlow Stern|September 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lily told how she once found her mother sitting in front of the television and crying.
Will Meredith Vieira Ever Stop Crying? Her Emotional Daytime TV Debut|Lloyd Grove|September 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lily tossed the missile into the other girl's lap, for she was too eager to open her own two letters to cause any further delay.
The Girl Scouts' Good Turn|Edith Lavell
Lily had retired to the other side of the room as soon as the parley about the invitation began.
A Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories|William D. Howells
Lily Farquhar says her big sisters spoil her parties so, and they call her and her friends 'the babies,' and laugh at them.
The Man with the Pan Pipes|Mrs. (Mary Louisa) Molesworth
Aunt Jane shook hands with her, rather to Gillian's surprise, and heard that Lily was much the same.
Beechcroft at Rockstone|Charlotte M. Yonge
Long-legged, long-necked, as straight as a lance, with head poised on the proud neck like a lily on its stem.
The Man|Bram Stoker
British Dictionary definitions for lily
/ (ˈlɪlɪ) /
any liliaceous perennial plant of the N temperate genus Lilium, such as the Turk's-cap lily and tiger lily, having scaly bulbs and showy typically pendulous flowers
the bulb or flower of any of these plants
any of various similar or related plants, such as the water lily, plantain lily, and day lily
Derived forms of lily
lily-like, adjective
Word Origin for lily
Old English, from Latin līlium; related to Greek leirion lily