[ too -suh m ] SHOW IPA
adjective consisting of two; two-fold.
performed or played by two persons.
noun two together or in company; couple; duo.
Golf . a match between two persons.
Origin of twosome 1325–75; Middle English (north); see two, -some2
Words nearby twosome two shakes of a lamb's tail, two-shot, Two Sicilies, two-sided, two solitudes, twosome , two-speed, two-spirit, two-spot, two-spotted spider mite, two-star
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for twosome The video follows the twosome on their romantic tryst, from canoodling in bed to riding carefree in a convertible.
Psy, Macklemore & More of the Best Music Videos of the Week (VIDEO) | Jean Trinh| April 19, 2013| DAILY BEAST
And, when the twosome went into business, did they then run wild, partying with young gals at druggy house parties?
Mark Zuckerberg, Movie Villain | Choire Sicha| May 24, 2010| DAILY BEAST
Anyway, after one or two long distance exchanges she drops out a note arranging a twosome in the palace gardens by moonlight.
Torchy and Vee | Sewell Ford
Seein' as we're only startin' in on the twosome breakfast game, maybe you could find something nice and cheerful by a window.
The House of Torchy | Sewell Ford
Prior to that Hephzy and I had, golfly speaking, been playing it as a twosome .
Kent Knowles: Quahaug | Joseph C. Lincoln
Elmer and Kenny would be the other twosome , and, both armed with quarterstaffs would be troubleshooters.
Black Man's Burden | Dallas McCord Reynolds
So we begins our first burglar hunt as a twosome , and I must say there's other sports I enjoy more.
The House of Torchy | Sewell Ford
British Dictionary definitions for twosome noun two together, esp two people
a match between two people
(modifier) consisting of or played by two a twosome song
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to twosome duo, pair, duet, couple, dyad