[ twis -ting ] SHOW IPA
noun the practice of an insurance agent of tricking the holder of a life insurance policy into letting it lapse so that the insured will replace it with one of a company represented by the agent.
Origin of twisting First recorded in 1905–10; twist + -ing1
Words nearby twisting twist drill, twisted hairs, twisted stomach worm, twister, twist grip, twisting , twist in the wind, twist someone's arm, twist tie, twisty, twit
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for twisting Here, only the twisting grey concrete under his tires disturbed the desolate wild.
A Belgian Prince, Gorillas, Guerrillas & the Future of the Congo | Nina Strochlic| November 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The book becomes so dramatic and twisting , the ending—how she ends it--is key.
Sarah Waters: Queen of the Tortured Lesbian Romance | Tim Teeman| September 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Then a larger-scale map revealed a twisting , narrow road up to the Col de Lizarrieta, at around 1,300 feet.
Is This Hemingway’s Pamplona or a Lot of Bull? | Clive Irving| July 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Titanic sat in the rear of the room, twisting his fingers nervously, till he was called.
Portrait of the Consummate Con Man | John Lardner| May 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Don't think it's an easy trip, the twisting mountain passes inevitably slow you down.
The U.S. Road Trips You Should Really Take | Lonely Planet| April 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
"Not on me with axe, I pray you," he answered laughing, and twisting his head on one side.
Wulfric the Weapon Thane | Charles W. Whistler
Under his life-conferring brush they required no twisting with hot irons.
Gatherings From Spain | Richard Ford
She was twisting the stem of her wineglass nervously; after a moment she began to speak jerkily.
The Phantom Lover | Ruby M. Ayres
The tiny windmills which children often make by twisting pieces of paper illustrate the same principle.
Every-day Science: Volume VI. The Conquest of Nature | Henry Smith Williams
The Baptist is twisting round, to display the foreshortening which Pordenone particularly affects.
The Venetian School of Painting | Evelyn March Phillipps
Words related to twisting screw, swivel, spiral, contort, wriggle, wiggle, wrench, twirl, wrap, coil, sprain, weave, distort, encircle, twine, squirm, zigzag, writhe, warp, turn