

单词 leopard complex

leopard complex

[ lep-erd kom-pleks ]
/ ˈlɛp ərd ˌkɒm plɛks /


a genetic pigmentation pattern that gives certain horses their distinctive spotted coats: The leopard complex of white patterns tends to be remarkably symmetric.
Also called Ap·pa·loo·sa spot·ting [ap-uh-loo-suh-spot-ing], /ˌæp əˈlu sə ˌspɒt ɪŋ/, leop·ard spot·ting [lep-erd spot-ing] /ˈlɛp ərd ˌspɒt ɪŋ/ .

Origin of leopard complex

First recorded in 1990–95

Words nearby leopard complex

leontiasis, Leontief, leontopodium, Leontovich, leopard, leopard complex, leopardess, leopard frog, Leopardi, leopard lily, leopard lizard
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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