any reptile of the order Testudines, comprising aquatic and terrestrial species having the trunk enclosed in a shell consisting of a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron.
(not used technically) an aquatic turtle as distinguished from a terrestrial one.Compare tortoise (def. 1).
verb (used without object),tur·tled,tur·tling.
to catch turtles, especially as a business.
Idioms for turtle
turn turtle, capsize or turn over completely in foundering.
to overturn; upset: Several of the cars turned turtle in the course of the race.
Origin of turtle
1625–35; alteration (influenced by turtle2) of French tortue<Medieval Latin tortūcatortoise
The reptiles have long been of scientific interest because of their unclear evolutionary relationship with other reptiles, as they share traits with lizards and turtles as well as birds.
How tuatara live so long and can withstand cool weather|Jake Buehler|August 5, 2020|Science News
Based on the genetic analyses, the researchers confirmed that the tuatara is more closely related to snakes and lizards than to crocodilians, birds or turtles.
How tuatara live so long and can withstand cool weather|Jake Buehler|August 5, 2020|Science News
The earliest dinosaur eggs were more like leathery turtle eggs than hard bird’s eggs.
Early dinosaurs may have laid soft-shelled eggs|Jack J. Lee|August 3, 2020|Science News For Students
These ecosystems are wildly diverse — home to everything from crabs to sea turtles.
Let’s learn about coral reefs|Bethany Brookshire|July 22, 2020|Science News For Students
Explore coral reef restoration, shipwrecks, sea turtles and more.
Let’s learn about coral reefs|Bethany Brookshire|July 22, 2020|Science News For Students
A non-Sioux nation in the state, Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, also said no.
The Native Americans Who Voted for ‘The Fighting Sioux’|Evan Weiner|June 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the meantime, Stovall has learned some political lessons in light of his turtle soup success.
Tea Party Candidate In Texas Makes Viral "Turtle Soup" Campaign Ad|Ben Jacobs|February 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He was filming other television spots in January and his campaign manager and the producer wanted to do the turtle soup spot.
Tea Party Candidate In Texas Makes Viral "Turtle Soup" Campaign Ad|Ben Jacobs|February 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So Rice decamped to Turtle Bay, where she bided her time until Jones retired at the NSC.
Why Obama Betrayed Susan Rice|Peter Beinart|December 13, 2012|DAILY BEAST
David McGuire tests Pacific seafood for mercury with, a part of the Turtle Bay Restoration Network.
Radioactive Tuna Won’t Kill You—but Should We Be Concerned About Mercury?|Daniel Stone|May 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
But the hunter was kind to the turtle: he tied it near a banana-tree, and gave it food every hour.
Filipino Popular Tales|Dean S. Fansler
I have a turtle now that will have a funny story to tell his friends, if he ever reaches his native home again.
The Nursery, March 1881, Vol. XXIX|Various
The turtle that had taken the pin hook was swimming about with the string dragging after it.
Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue at Aunt Lu's City Home|Laura Lee Hope
"I should think that would be a very nice place," said the turtle.
The Magic Bed|Hartwell James
The fisherman is assisted by his companions in the canoe, and a line is secured to the turtle.
The Overland Expedition of The Messrs. Jardine|Frank Jardine and Alexander Jardine
British Dictionary definitions for turtle (1 of 2)
/ (ˈtɜːtəl) /
any of various aquatic chelonian reptiles, esp those of the marine family Chelonidae, having a flattened shell enclosing the body and flipper-like limbs adapted for swimmingRelated adjectives: chelonian, testudinal
US and Canadianany of the chelonian reptiles, including the tortoises and terrapins
nauticala zip bag made as part of a spinnaker for holding the sail so that it can be set rapidly
turn turtleto capsize
(intr)to catch or hunt turtles
Derived forms of turtle
turtler, noun
Word Origin for turtle
C17: from French tortuetortoise (influenced by turtle ²)
British Dictionary definitions for turtle (2 of 2)
/ (ˈtɜːtəl) /
an archaic name for turtledove
Word Origin for turtle
Old English turtla, from Latin turtur, of imitative origin; related to German Turteltaube