单词 | turn |
释义 | turn[ turn ] / tɜrn / SEE SYNONYMS FOR turn ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used with object)to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel. to cause to move around or partly around, as for the purpose of opening, closing, or tightening: to turn a key;to turn the cap of a bottle. to reverse the position or placement of: to turn a page; to turn an egg; to turn a person around. to bring the lower layers of (sod, soil, etc.) to the surface, as in plowing. to change the position of, by or as if by rotating; move into a different position: to turn the handle one notch. to change or alter the course of; divert; deflect: He turned the blow with his arm. to change the focus or tendency of: She skillfully turned the conversation away from so unpleasant a subject. to reverse the progress of; cause to retreat: The police turned the advancing rioters by firing over their heads. to change or alter the nature, character, or appearance of: Worry turned his hair gray. to change or convert (usually followed by into or to): to turn water into ice; to turn tears into laughter. to render or make by some change: Fear turned him cowardly and craven. to change the color of (leaves). to cause to become sour, to ferment, or the like: Warm weather turns milk. to cause (the stomach) to reject food, liquid, etc.; affect with nausea. to change from one language or form of expression to another; translate. to put or apply to some use or purpose: He turned his mind to practical matters. to go or pass around or to the other side of: to turn a street corner. to get beyond or pass (a certain age, time, amount, etc.): His son just turned four. to direct, aim, or set toward, away from, or in a specified direction: to turn the car toward the center of town;to turn one's back to the audience. to direct (the eyes, face, etc.) another way; avert. to shape (a piece of metal, wood, etc.) into rounded form with a cutting tool while rotating the piece on a lathe. to bring into a rounded or curved form in any way. to shape artistically or gracefully, especially in rounded form. to form or express gracefully: to turn a phrase well. to direct (thought, attention, desire, etc.) toward or away from something. to cause to go; send; drive: to turn a person from one's door. to revolve in the mind; ponder (often followed by over): He turned the idea over a couple of times before acting on it. to persuade (a person) to change or reorder the course of his or her life. to cause to be prejudiced against: to turn a son against his father. to maintain a steady flow or circulation of (money or articles of commerce). to earn or gain: He turned a huge profit on the sale. to reverse or remake (a garment, shirt collar, etc.) so that the inner side becomes the outer. to pour from one container into another by inverting. to curve, bend, or twist. to twist out of position or sprain; wrench: He turned his ankle. to bend back or blunt (the edge of a blade). to perform (a gymnastic feat) by rotating or revolving: to turn a somersault. to disturb the mental balance of; distract; derange. to disorder or upset the placement or condition of: He turned the room upside down. Obsolete.
verb (used without object)to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate. to move partly around through the arc of a circle, as a door on a hinge. to hinge or depend (usually followed by on or upon): The question turns on this point. to direct or set one's course toward, away from, or in a particular direction. to direct the face or gaze toward or away from someone or something. to direct one's thought, attention, desire, etc., toward or away from someone or something. to give or apply one's interest, attention, effort, etc., to something; pursue: He turned to the study and practice of medicine. to change or reverse a course so as to go in a different or the opposite direction: to turn to the right. to change position so as to face in a different or the opposite direction. to change or reverse position or posture as by a rotary motion. to shift the body about as if on an axis: to turn on one's side while sleeping. to assume a curved form; bend. to become blunted or dulled by bending, as the cutting edge of a knife or saw. to be affected with nausea, as the stomach. to be affected with giddiness or dizziness; have a sensation of whirling or reeling. to adopt religion, a manner of life, etc., especially as differing from a previous position or attitude: He turned to Christianity in his old age. to change or transfer one's loyalties; bend: He turned from the Democrats and joined the Republicans. to change an attitude or policy: to turn in favor of someone;to turn against a person. to change or alter, as in nature, character, or appearance. to become sour, rancid, fermented, or the like, as milk or butter. to change color: The leaves began to turn in October. to change so as to be; become: a lawyer turned poet;to turn pale. to become mentally unbalanced or distracted. to put about or tack, as a ship. Journalism. (of copy) to run either from the bottom of the last column on one page to the top of the first column on the following page or from one column on a page to the expected place in the next column on the page (opposed to jump). nouna movement of partial or total rotation: a slight turn of the handle. an act of changing or reversing position or posture, as by a rotary movement: a turn of the head. a time or opportunity for action which comes in due rotation or order to each of a number of persons, animals, etc.: It's my turn to pay the bill. an act of changing or reversing the course or direction: to make a turn to the left. a place or point at which such a change occurs. a place where a road, river, or the like turns; bend: About a mile ahead, you'll come to a turn in the road. a single revolution, as of a wheel. an act of turning so as to face or go in a different direction. direction, drift, or trend: The conversation took an interesting turn. any change, as in nature, character, condition, affairs, circumstances, etc.; alteration; modification: a turn for the better. the point or time of change. the time during which a worker or a set of workers is at work in alternation with others. that which is done by each of a number of persons acting in rotation or succession. rounded or curved form. the shape or mold in which something is formed or cast. a passing or twisting of one thing around another, as of a rope around a mast. the state of or a manner of being twisted. a single circular or convoluted shape, as of a coiled or wound rope. a small latch operated by a turning knob or lever. style, as of expression or language. a distinctive form or style imparted: a happy turn of expression. a short walk, ride, or the like out and back, especially by different routes: Let's go for a turn in the park. a natural inclination, bent, tendency, or aptitude: one's turn of mind. a spell or period of work; shift. a spell or bout of action or activity, especially in wrestling. an attack of illness or the like. an act of service or disservice: He once did her a good turn.She repaid it with a bad turn. requirement, exigency, or need: This will serve your turn. treatment or rendering, especially with reference to the form or content of a work of literature, art, etc.; twist: He gave the story a new turn. Informal. a nervous shock, as from fright or astonishment: It certainly gave me quite a turn to see him. Stock Exchange. a complete securities transaction that includes both a purchase and sale. Music. a melodic embellishment or grace, commonly consisting of a principal tone with two auxiliary tones, one above and the other below it. Chiefly British. an individual stage performance, especially in a vaudeville theater or music hall. Military. a drill movement by which a formation changes fronts. a contest or round; a bout, as in wrestling. Verb Phrasesturn back,
turn down,
turn heel,
turn in,
turn into,
turn off,
turn on,
turn out,
turn over,
turn to,
turn up,
Idioms for turnat every turn, in every case or instance; constantly: We met with kindness at every turn. by turns, one after another; in rotation or succession; alternately: They did their shopping and cleaning by turns.
hand's turn, a period or piece of work: It won't be necessary for you to do a hand's turn yourself, but rather to supervise. in turn, in due order of succession: Each generation in turn must grapple with the same basic problems. on the turn, on the verge or in the process of turning; changing: She said she hoped to be alive to see the century on the turn. out of turn, take turns, to succeed one another in order; rotate; alternate: They took turns walking the dog. to a turn, to just the proper degree; to perfection: The steak was done to a turn. turn and turn about, by turns: They fought the fire, turn and turn about, until daybreak. turn one's hand to. hand (def. 90). turn the tables. table (def. 24). turn the tide. tide1 (def. 16). Origin of turnFirst recorded before 1000; (verb) Middle English turnen, partly continuing Old English turnian, tyrnan, from Latin tornāre “to turn in a lathe, round off” (derivative of tornus “lathe,” from Greek tórnos “tool for making circles”), partly from Old French torner, t(o)urner, from Latin, as above; (noun) Middle English, partly derivative of the verb, partly from unattested Anglo-French torn, t(o)urn;Old French tor, t(o)ur, from Latin tornus, as above SYNONYMS FOR turn9 metamorphose, transmute, transform. 23, 24 fashion, mold. 66 spin, gyration, revolution. 75 deviation, bend, twist, vicissitude, variation. 88 talent, proclivity. SEE SYNONYMS FOR turn ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for turn41. Turn, revolve, rotate, spin indicate moving in a more or less rotary, circular fashion. Turn is the general and popular word for motion on an axis or around a center, but it is used also of motion that is less than a complete circle: A gate turns on its hinges. Revolve refers especially to movement in an orbit around a center, but is sometimes exchangeable with rotate, which refers only to the motion of a body around its own center or axis: The moon revolves about the earth. The earth rotates on its axis. To spin is to rotate very rapidly: A top spins. 88. Turn, cast, twist are colloquial in use and imply a bent, inclination, or habit. Turn means a tendency or inclination for something: a turn for art. Cast means an established habit of thought, manner, or style: a melancholy cast. Twist means a bias: a strange twist of thought. OTHER WORDS FROM turnturn·a·ble, adjectivehalf-turned, adjectiveun·turn·a·ble, adjectiveun·turned, adjectiveWORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH turn1. tern, turn 2. intern, inturn, in turnWords nearby turnTurlock, turlough, turmeric, turmeric paper, turmoil, turn, turn a blind eye to, turnabout, Turnabout is fair play, turn a deaf ear, turn against Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for turn
British Dictionary definitions for turnturn / (tɜːn) / verbto move or cause to move around an axisa wheel turning; to turn a knob (sometimes foll by round) to change or cause to change positions by moving through an arc of a circlehe turned the chair to face the light to change or cause to change in course, direction, etche turned left at the main road (of soldiers, ships, etc) to alter the direction of advance by changing direction simultaneously or (of a commander) to cause the direction of advance to be altered simultaneously to go or pass to the other side of (a corner, etc) to assume or cause to assume a rounded, curved, or folded formthe road turns here to reverse or cause to reverse position (tr) to pass round (an enemy or enemy position) so as to attack it from the flank or rearthe Germans turned the Maginot line (tr) to perform or do by a rotating movementto turn a somersault (tr) to shape or cut a thread in (a workpiece, esp one of metal, wood, or plastic) by rotating it on a lathe against a fixed cutting tool (when intr, foll by into or to) to change or convert or be changed or convertedthe alchemists tried to turn base metals into gold (foll by into) to change or cause to change in nature, character, etcthe frog turned into a prince (copula) to change so as to becomehe turned nasty when he heard the price to cause (foliage, etc) to change colour or (of foliage, etc) to change colourfrost turned the trees a vivid orange to cause (milk, etc) to become rancid or sour or (of milk, etc) to become rancid or sour to change or cause to change in subject, trend, etcthe conversation turned to fishing to direct or apply or be directed or appliedhe turned his attention to the problem (intr usually foll by to) to appeal or apply (to) for help, advice, etcshe was very frightened and didn't know where to turn to reach, pass, or progress beyond in age, time, etcshe has just turned twenty (tr) to cause or allow to goto turn an animal loose to affect or be affected with nauseathe sight of the dead body turned his stomach to affect or be affected with giddinessmy head is turning (tr) to affect the mental or emotional stability of (esp in the phrase turn (someone's) head) (tr) to release from a containershe turned the fruit into a basin (tr) to render into another language (usually foll by against or from) to transfer or reverse or cause to transfer or reverse (one's loyalties, affections, etc) (tr) to cause (an enemy agent) to become a double agent working for one's own sidethe bureau turned some of the spies it had caught (tr) to bring (soil) from lower layers to the surface to blunt (an edge) or (of an edge) to become blunted (tr) to give a graceful form toto turn a compliment (tr) to reverse (a cuff, collar, etc) in order to hide the outer worn side (intr) US to be merchandised as specifiedshirts are turning well this week cricket to spin (the ball) or (of the ball) to spin turn one's hand to to undertake (something, esp something practical) turn tail to run away; flee turn the tables on someone See table (def. 17) turn the tide to reverse the general course of events nounan act or instance of turning or the state of being turned or the material turneda turn of a rope around a bollard a movement of complete or partial rotation a change or reversal of direction or position direction or drifthis thoughts took a new turn a deviation or departure from a course or tendency the place, point, or time at which a deviation or change occurs another word for turning (def. 1) the right or opportunity to do something in an agreed order or successionwe'll take turns to play; now it's George's turn; you must not play out of turn a change in nature, condition, etchis illness took a turn for the worse a period of action, work, etc a short walk, ride, or excursionto take a turn in the park natural inclinationhe is of a speculative turn of mind; she has a turn for needlework distinctive form or stylea neat turn of phrase requirement, need, or advantageto serve someone's turn a deed performed that helps or hinders someoneto do an old lady a good turn a twist, bend, or distortion in shape music a melodic ornament that makes a turn around a note, beginning with the note above, in a variety of sequences theatre, mainly British a short theatrical act, esp in music hall, cabaret, etc stock exchange
a military manoeuvre in which men or ships alter their direction of advance together Australian slang a party informal a shock or surprisethe bad news gave her quite a turn at every turn on all sides or occasions by turns one after another; alternately on the turn informal
out of turn
the turn poker slang the fourth community card to be dealt face-up in a round of Texas hold ’em turn and turn about one after another; alternately to a turn to the proper amount; perfectlycooked to a turn See also turn against, turn away, turn down, turn in, turn off, turn on, turn out, turn over, turn to, turn up Derived forms of turnturnable, adjectiveWord Origin for turnOld English tyrnian, from Old French torner, from Latin tornāre to turn in a lathe, from tornus lathe, from Greek tornos dividers Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Idioms and Phrases with turnturn In addition to the idioms beginning with turn
also see:
Also see underunturned. The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Words related to turndirection, angle, trend, shift, curve, departure, spiral, twist, wind, reversal, swing, corner, spin, round, change, shot, time, act, action, bit |
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