Alex Jones is a representative Second Amendment enthusiast in the same way that Leonid Brezhnev is an archetypal progressive.
Piers Morgan’s Gun-Control Freak Show Rounds Up the Crazies|Michael Moynihan|January 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST
"Leonid Plekhanov is no longer with us," Chessman said dourly.
Adaptation|Dallas McCord Reynolds
For this reason, Leverrier pronounced, in 1867, the Perseid to be of older formation than the Leonid system.
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century|Agnes M. (Agnes Mary) Clerke
The death of Leonid Andreef removes the most savage pessimist of all the pessimists who have come out of modern Russia.
The London Mercury, Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, November 1919 to April 1920|Various
Yes, but later Leonid Ivanovich took it over, and I was glad to be relieved of the charge.
The Precipice|Ivan Goncharov
The reader will, no doubt, recollect that it is from a point in the Sickle of Leo that the Leonid meteors appear to radiate.
Astronomy of To-day|Cecil G. Dolmage
British Dictionary definitions for Leonid
/ (ˈliːənɪd) /
nounpluralLeonidsorLeonides (lɪˈɒnɪˌdiːz)
any member of a meteor shower that is usually insignificant, but more spectacular every 33 years, and occurs annually in mid-November, appearing to radiate from a point in the constellation Leo