Ross, the UK-based physiologist, says that when you’re in tune with the physical and emotional experience of your cycle, you may be more confident in planning your training, nutrition, and recovery, which can eliminate a lot of anxiety.
Everything You Need to Know About Period Tracking|Christine Yu|September 6, 2020|Outside Online
Its latest project now gives anyone a chance to make quarantine tunes to vibe to—no music training necessary.
Create your own moody quarantine music with Google’s AI|Karen Hao|September 4, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Even if she were to change her tune, it’s unclear how she would block it, says Nikos Tsafos of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Merkel urged to abandon Russia pipeline over Navalny attack|Dave Lawler|September 3, 2020|Axios
There’s no telling what the future of the pandemic could bring, so it’s key that brands are proactive when it comes to managing their supply chain and logistics and keeping on top of their brand messaging to stay in tune with customer sentiment.
Deep Dive: How to master Amazon advertising in the new normal|Digiday|July 29, 2020|Digiday
For now, I enjoyed zipping around town, savoring the sharp steering and superbly tuned suspension.
Sport coupe superstars|Joe Phillips|July 16, 2020|Washington Blade
It starts off like any other Lana tune, replete with minor chords and humming, distorted vocals.
The 14 Best Songs of 2014: Bobby Shmurda, Future Islands, Drake, and More|Marlow Stern|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It would take a few years for the ministry to change its tune on Borat.
When Countries Lose Their Shit Over American Movies|Asawin Suebsaeng|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tune in next week for the rest of our in-depth interview with Mockingjay director Francis Lawrence.
What ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1’ Has in Common with ISIS Videos and Killing Bin Laden|Marlow Stern|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He can even hold a tune, as his scene-stealing turn in Les Miserables proved.
Eddie Redmayne’s Time Has Come: On His Heartrending Turn as Stephen Hawking and Benedict Bromance|Marlow Stern|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After all, ESPN is officially a business partner of the NFL to the tune of $5 billion plus per annum.
How the Media Failed to Nail the NFL|Steve Almond|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Then he endeavoured to hum a tune; but his voice seemed to choke him.
The Mysteries of London, v. 1/4|George W. M. Reynolds
And it must have been; every morning for eighty-nine days the gaudy music box faithfully played the tune over and over again.
Tramping on Life|Harry Kemp
Then he told her how to adjust her spark-gap and tune the instrument to any given wave-length.
The Young Wireless Operator--As a Fire Patrol|Lewis E. Theiss
Larry was in the height of his glory, just getting out his fiddle to give them a tune in honour of our return.
Paddy Finn|W. H. G. Kingston
A barrel-organ was grinding out a tune; children danced in the sunshine on the pavement.
The Kingdom Round the Corner|Coningsby Dawson
British Dictionary definitions for tune
/ (tjuːn) /
a melody, esp one for which harmony is not essential
the most important part in a musical texturethe cello has the tune at that point
the condition of producing accurately pitched notes, intervals, etc (esp in the phrases in tune, out of tune)he can't sing in tune
accurate correspondence of pitch and intonation between instruments (esp in the phrases in tune, out of tune)the violin is not in tune with the piano
the correct adjustment of a radio, television, or some other electronic circuit with respect to the required frequency (esp in the phrases in tune, out of tune)
a frame of mind; disposition or mood
obsoletea musical sound; note
call the tuneto be in control of the proceedings
change one's tune, sing another tuneorsing another a different tuneto alter one's attitude or tone of speech
to the tune ofinformalto the amount or extent ofcosts to the tune of a hundred pounds
to adjust (a musical instrument or a changeable part of one) to a certain pitch
to adjust (a note, etc) so as to bring it into harmony or concord
(tr)to adapt or adjust (oneself); attuneto tune oneself to a slower life
(tr often foll by up) to make fine adjustments to (an engine, machine, etc) to obtain optimum performance
electronicsto adjust (one or more circuits) for resonance at a desired frequency
obsoleteto utter (something) musically or in the form of a melody; sing
tune someone griefSouthern Africanslangto annoy or harass someone