All three actions directly threaten the legacy of Carl Stokes and that river fire back in 1969.
51 Years Later, the Cuyahoga River Burns Again|Wes Siler|August 28, 2020|Outside Online
Martinez told me the monitoring commitment is a huge victory for the workers, many of whom have since left Voyant but now “leave behind a legacy for their co-workers who remain.”
Temp Workers Fight Back Against Alleged Sexual Harassment and Say They Face Retaliation for Doing So|by Melissa Sanchez|August 28, 2020|ProPublica
Initially seen as a mere caretaker for the iconic franchise that Jobs built before his 2011 death, Cook has forged his own distinctive legacy.
Apple CEO Tim Cook is fulfilling another Steve Jobs vision|Rachel Schallom|August 24, 2020|Fortune
Part of that is because young shoppers do not care about legacy or the amount of time that brands have been around.
‘The new definition of luxury’: Highsnobiety unpacks how the landscape of high-end fashion has tilted toward accessibility|Kayleigh Barber|August 24, 2020|Digiday
Let’s hope we can renew those lost American conventions through this coming electoral season, honoring our legacy and ensuring our nation’s future as a unified people.
Departure from convention—mom, baseball, the postal worker, and patriotism|jakemeth|August 19, 2020|Fortune
Unfortunately, this is more about protecting the legacy of a ‘great man.’
Phylicia Rashad and the Cult of Cosby Truthers|Stereo Williams|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I don't know why or who's doing it, but it's the legacy…and it's a legacy that is so important to the culture.
Phylicia Rashad and the Cult of Cosby Truthers|Stereo Williams|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The TVA, a federally owned and chartered electric power provider, is a New Deal legacy just like Social Security.
Steve Scalise Shows There’s a Fine Line Between Confederate & Southern|Lloyd Green|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
With the midterm elections safely in the rearview mirror, Obama is on legacy patrol.
Obama’s One Hand Clap With Castro|Doug McIntyre|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But at 45, Branch died of a reported suicide, leaving behind family, friends and a legacy that goes beyond the beauty industry.
Goodbye To A Natural Hair Guru: Miss Jessie's Cofounder Titi Branch Dead At 45|Danielle Belton|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Aunt Ottilie was old Takma's daughter: she was sure to get a legacy too.
Old People and the Things That Pass|Louis Couperus
Jean, you must not keep this legacy which by to-morrow may have brought suspicion and dishonor on our mother.
The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume VIII.|Guy de Maupassant
Burlingame had said nothing about the letter from the late Michael Turley's kinsman in Montreal and the question of the legacy.
Wild Youth, Volume Complete|Gilbert Parker
Next day the news of the legacy was common property, and Aunt Tildy had been an inmate at Todd's ever since.
The Children's Book of Thanksgiving Stories|Various
To you it's probably better to be a rich slaver living off the legacy of a Degrader than a penniless humanitarian.
The Lani People|J. F. Bone
British Dictionary definitions for legacy
/ (ˈlɛɡəsɪ) /
a gift by will, esp of money or personal property
something handed down or received from an ancestor or predecessor
(modifier)surviving computer systems, hardware, or softwarelegacy network; legacy application
Word Origin for legacy
C14 (meaning: office of a legate), C15 (meaning: bequest): from Medieval Latin lēgātia commission; see legate