[ lee -kij ] SHOW IPA
noun an act of leaking; leak.
something that leaks in or out.
the amount that leaks in or out.
Commerce . an allowance for loss by leaking.
Physics , Electricity . the loss of all or part of a useful agent, as of the electric current that flows through an insulator (leakage current ) or of the magnetic flux that passes outside useful flux circuits (leakage flux ).
Origin of leakage First recorded in 1480–90; leak + -age
Words nearby leakage leaguer, league table, Leah, Leahy, leak, leakage , leakance, Leakey, leakproof, leaky, leal
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for leakage According to Russianoff, leakage is as much a problem on the platforms as it is are inside the cars.
Leaky Ceilings, Catcalls, and Uncaged Pythons: 4 Hours on NYC’s Worst Subway | Kevin Zawacki| August 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But Clapper has also failed fundamentally to stanch the leakage of secrets so emblematic of his tenure atop the community.
Spy Chief James Clapper: We Can’t Stop Another Snowden | Eli Lake| February 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Since the current will always flow along the path of least resistance; it must be so guarded that there will be no leakage .
Hawkins Electrical Guide, Number One | Nehemiah Hawkins
Another cause of loss of charge in an idle cell is leakage of current between the terminals on the outside of the battery.
The Automobile Storage Battery | O. A. Witte
The story had leaked out, of course, but Sheard was in no way responsible for the leakage .
The Sins of Sverac Bablon | Sax Rohmer
It wastes absolutely no energy when at rest, there being no leakage or condensation.
Every-day Science: Volume VI. The Conquest of Nature | Henry Smith Williams
Its only a recurring decimal, and if we quickly put in the dot to stop the leakage , theres no need that it should ever recur.
Twos and Threes | G. B. Stern
British Dictionary definitions for leakage noun the act or an instance of leaking
something that escapes or enters by a leak
commerce an allowance made for partial loss (of stock, etc) due to leaking
physics an undesired flow of electric current, neutrons, etc (as modifier ) leakage current Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to leakage exposure, flow, crack, deluge, spurt, torrent, outburst, flood, stream, tide, outflow, progress, discharge, wind, movement, loss, outgoing, puncture, fissure, expenditure