Each diamond is further ornamented with the Tudor rose, ensigned with the royal crown, and flanked by the initials E. R.
Royal English Bookbindings|Cyril Davenport
But there never would have been a parson among them but for the failure of the company in which Mr. Tudor's money was invested.
Uncle Max|Rosa Nouchette Carey
For a century and more the Tudor kings enjoyed almost despotic power.
An Introduction to the History of Western Europe|James Harvey Robinson
In one of the lights is a Tudor rose intact, and in others there are portions of the arms of Catherine of Aragon.
Warwickshire|Clive Holland
Our princes were about to have at their command means of coercion such as no Plantagenet or Tudor had ever possessed.
The History of England from the Accession of James II.|Thomas Babington Macaulay
British Dictionary definitions for Tudor
/ (ˈtjuːdə) /
an English royal house descended from a Welsh squire, Owen Tudor (died 1461), and ruling from 1485 to 1603. Monarchs of the Tudor line were Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I
denoting a style of architecture of the late perpendicular period and characterized by half-timbered houses