On Thursday, Mario Lopez Herrera, the provincial minister of security for the district of Tucuman, was forced out of office.
Argentina Erupts Over Acquittal in Marita Verón Case|Scott C. Johnson|December 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Domingo Pascual Andrada, ex-cop, accused of taking Marita from Tucuman to La Rioja.
Marita Defendants Acquitted in Devastating Setback for Susana Trimarco|Scott C. Johnson|December 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Durnford obtained specimens of this species at Tucuman and Salta in the month of June.
Argentine Ornithology, Volume II (of 2)|P. L. Sclater
Rosario is the centre of the system, and here the Company owns extensive dockyards, and lines run both to Tucuman and Cordoba.
Argentina|W. A. Hirst
The sugar factories of Tucuman turn out a great quantity of rum.
Argentina|W. A. Hirst
Tucuman vies with Cordoba in having amongst its residents some of the real old Spanish aristocracy of Argentina.
The Amazing Argentine|John Foster Fraser
There is a better acquaintance with its upper portion, where it passes through the settled districts of Santiago and Tucuman.
Gaspar the Gaucho|Mayne Reid
British Dictionary definitions for Tucumán
/ (Spanishtukuˈman) /
a city in NW Argentina: scene of the declaration (1816) of Argentinian independence from Spain; university (1914). Pop: 837 000 (2005 est)Full name: San Miguel de Tucumán