In 2000, when Hillary Clinton was debating Rick Lazio in Buffalo, we all knew that she was only partially debating Lazio.
How Red-State Democrats Can Throw Obama Under the Bus|Michael Tomasky|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Romney is by far in the best position to prevail,” said Lazio.
Are Romney's Top Donors Losing Faith?|McKay Coppins|December 15, 2011|DAILY BEAST
No discerning Italian is going to buy Piemonte mozzarella or tome from Lazio.
Elegy to Italian Cheese|Jesse Dart|May 21, 2011|DAILY BEAST
A Siena poll found Lazio up by a single point last week, even though as late as early July, Lazio was ahead by 20 points.
What to Watch in Tuesday’s Primaries|The Daily Beast|September 13, 2010|DAILY BEAST
But in an election-eve Siena poll, Paladino was neck and neck with the cash-strapped Lazio, a bad sign for the NY GOP.
The Tea Party's Northern Insurgency|John Avlon|September 13, 2010|DAILY BEAST
The zone which supplies the maximum of crimes of violence is Lazio (Latium).
Rome|Mildred Anna Rosalie Tuker
/ (ˈlattsjo) /
a region of W central Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea: includes the plain of the lower Tiber, the reclaimed Pontine Marshes, and Campagna. Capital: Rome. Pop: 5 145 805 (2003 est)