

单词 almond


[ ah-muhnd, am-uhnd; spelling pronunciation al-muhnd ]
/ ˈɑ mənd, ˈæm ənd; spelling pronunciation ˈæl mənd /


the nutlike kernel of the fruit of either of two trees, Prunus dulcis(sweet almond ) or P. dulcis amara(bitter almond ), which grow in warm temperate regions.
the tree itself.
a delicate, pale tan.
anything shaped like an almond, especially an ornament.


of the color, taste, or shape of an almond.
made or flavored with almonds: almond cookies.

Origin of almond

1250–1300; Middle English almande<Old French (dial.) alemande, probably by transposition of -la<Late Latin amandula, with assimilative replacement of the unfamiliar cluster and adaptation to a known suffix, representing Latin amygdala<Greek amygdálē; replacing Old English amigdal<Latin


al·mond·like, al·mond·y, adjective

Words nearby almond

Almirante Brown, Almodóvar, Almohad, Almohade, almon, almond, almond bark, almond cake, almond-eyed, almond meal, almond milk
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for almond

/ (ˈɑːmənd) /


a small widely cultivated rosaceous tree, Prunus amygdalus, that is native to W Asia and has pink flowers and a green fruit containing an edible nutlike seed
the oval-shaped nutlike edible seed of this plant, which has a yellowish-brown shell
(modifier) made of or containing almondsalmond cake Related adjectives: amygdaline, amygdaloid
  1. a pale yellowish-brown colour
  2. (as adjective)almond wallpaper
Also called: almond green
  1. yellowish-green colour
  2. (as adjective)an almond skirt
anything shaped like an almond nut

Word Origin for almond

C13: from Old French almande, from Medieval Latin amandula, from Latin amygdala, from Greek amugdalē
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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