

单词 tristan und isolde

Tristan und Isolde

[ tris-tuhn uhnd i-sohld, ih-sohl-duh, -tan; German tris-tahn oont ee-zawl-duh ]
/ ˈtrɪs tən ənd ɪˈsoʊld, ɪˈsoʊl də, -tæn; German ˈtrɪs tɑn ʊnt iˈzɔl də /


a music drama (composed, 1857–59; première, 1865) by Richard Wagner.

Words nearby Tristan und Isolde

trispermous, trisplanchnic, Tristan, Tristan and Iseult, Tristan da Cunha, Tristan und Isolde, tristate, triste, tristearin, tristeza, tristful
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for Tristan und Isolde

  • Gartside followed and received an even sweeter, Tristan-und-Isolde smile, and the same proportion of her programme.

    The Sixth Sense|Stephen McKenna




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