

单词 lady


[ ley-dee ]
/ ˈleɪ di /

noun, plural la·dies.


Sometimes Offensive. being a female: a lady reporter.
of a lady; ladylike; feminine.

Origin of lady

First recorded before 900; Middle English ladi(e), earlier lavedi, Old English hlǣfdīge, hlǣfdige, perhaps originally meaning “loaf-kneader,” equivalent to hlāf “bread, loaf” (see loaf1) + -dīge, -dige, variant of dǣge “kneader” (see dough; compare Old Norse deigja “maid”); see lord

usage note for lady

In the meanings “refined, polite woman” and “woman of high social position” the noun lady is the parallel of gentleman. As forms of address, both nouns are used in the plural ( Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation ), but only lady occurs in the singular. Except in chivalrous, literary, or similar contexts ( Lady, spurn me not ), this singular is now usually perceived as rude or at least insensitive: Where do you want the new air conditioner, lady? Although lady is still found in phrases or compounds referring to occupation or the like ( cleaning lady; saleslady ), this use seems to be diminishing. The use of lady as a modifier ( lady doctor; lady artist ) suggests that it is unusual to find a woman in the role specified. Many women are offended by this use, and it too is becoming less common.
An approach that is increasingly followed is to avoid specifying the sex of the performer or practitioner. Person or a sex-neutral term can be substituted for lady, as cleaner for cleaning lady and sales associate or salesclerk for saleslady. When circumstances make it relevant to specify sex, woman rather than lady is used, the parallel term being man: Men doctors outnumber women doctors on the hospital staff by more than three to one. See also -person, -woman.

synonym study for lady

See woman.



lady , woman (see synonym study at woman)

Words nearby lady

Ladoga, Ladon, ladrone, Ladrone Islands, lad's love, lady, lady apple, Lady Baltimore cake, ladybeetle, ladybird, ladybird beetle
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for lady

British Dictionary definitions for lady (1 of 2)

/ (ˈleɪdɪ) /

noun plural -dies

a woman regarded as having the characteristics of a good family and high social position
  1. a polite name for a woman
  2. (as modifier)a lady doctor
an informal name for wife
lady of the house the female head of the household
history a woman with proprietary rights and authority, as over a manorCompare lord (def. 3)

Word Origin for lady

Old English hlǣfdīge, from hlāf bread + dīge kneader, related to dāh dough

British Dictionary definitions for lady (2 of 2)

/ (ˈleɪdɪ) /

noun plural -dies

(in Britain) a title of honour borne by various classes of women of the peerage
my lady a term of address to holders of the title Lady, used esp by servants
Our Lady a title of the Virgin Mary
archaic an allegorical prefix for the personifications of certain qualitiesLady Luck
mainly British the term of address by which certain positions of respect are prefaced when held by womenLady Chairman
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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