[ bawr-del -oh ] SHOW IPA
noun, plural bor·del·los. Origin of bordello 1590–1600; <Italian <Old French bordel bordel
Words nearby bordello Bordeaux, Bordeaux mixture, bordel, Bordelais, Bordelaise, bordello , Borden, Borden, Lizzie, border, Border collie, border disease
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for bordello And the vermillion wall covering in the library that seemed very 19th-century bordello .
Putting Words in Gore Vidal’s Mouth—a Copywriter Recalls the 1982 Senate Campaign | Robert Chandler| August 6, 2012| DAILY BEAST
The Bangkok “fish tank” bordello is glitzy and businesslike.
‘Whores’ Glory’: An Interview With Michael Glawogger | Tracy Quan| April 28, 2012| DAILY BEAST
When Heidi Fleiss announced she was opening a bordello for women, he sent his picture and received a positive response.
The Sex Lives of Male Hookers | Tracy Quan| July 6, 2009| DAILY BEAST
To pass for ever out of and beyond 170one's self is to the artist the lesson of Bordello 's story.
The Poetry Of Robert Browning | Stopford A. Brooke
"Sophia, you and the cardinal must not be linked to Tilia Caballo's bordello ," said Tilia.
The Saracen: The Holy War | Robert Shea
Surely he would have then concluded me as constant at the bordello , as the galley-slave at his oar.
An Introduction to the Prose and Poetical Works of John Milton | Hiram Corson
That there is something unmanly about a grown man playing the piano, save only when he plays it in a bordello .
The American Credo | George Jean Nathan
But as with the bits of coloured glass in the kaleidoscope, the elements of Bordello 's mind remain the same.
The Poetry Of Robert Browning | Stopford A. Brooke
British Dictionary definitions for bordello noun plural -los a brothel Also called (archaic): bordel (ˈbɔːdə l )
Word Origin for bordello C16: from Italian, from Old French borde hut, cabin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to bordello red-light district, cathouse, bagnio, whorehouse, house of ill repute, massage parlor, bawdy house, call house, house of assignation, house of prostitution, brothel, bawdyhouse