fit or allowed to be eaten or used, according to the dietary or ceremonial laws: kosher meat; kosher dishes; a kosher Torah scroll.
adhering to the laws governing such fitness: a kosher restaurant.
proper; legitimate.
genuine; authentic.
kosher food: Where can I eat kosher in Mexico City?
verb (used with object)
to make kosher: to kosher meat by salting.
Idioms for kosher
keep kosher, to adhere to the dietary laws of Judaism.
Also kasher.
Origin of kosher
First recorded in 1850–55 for def. 1; 1885–90 for def. 3; 1895–1900 for def. 2; from Yiddish, from Ashkenazi pronunciation of Hebrew kāshēr “right, fit”
Food that is permitted according to a set of dietary restrictions found in the Old Testament. For many Jews (see also Jews), foods that are not kosher cannot be eaten. The term can also be used colloquially to mean anything acceptable: “I don't think it's kosher to yell at your chess opponent when he is thinking about his next move.”
Cultural definitions for kosher (2 of 2)
The descriptive term in Judaism for food and other objects that are clean according to its laws. These laws are contained in the Torah and forbid, for example, the eating of pork or shellfish, the mixing of dairy products and meat, and certain methods of slaughtering animals.