释义 |
[ tree-tuh-buhl ] / ˈtri tə bəl /
adjectiveable to be treated, especially medically: Some diseases are treatable but not curable. Origin of treatabletreat + -able OTHER WORDS FROM treatabletreat·a·bil·i·ty, nounnon·treat·a·ble, adjectiveun·treat·a·ble, adjectiveWords nearby treatableTreasury note, treasury of merits, treasury stock, treasury tag, treat, treatable, treatise, treat like dirt, treatment, treaty, treaty Indian Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for treatableThankful that I made it this far without fearing dying of a treatable illness because I had no insurance. From Socially Isolated Nerd to Jeopardy! Bad Boy: A Thank You Note|Arthur Chu|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST For those with serious, but treatable conditions, these measures are life saving. Families and Physicians Debate the True Meaning of Brain Death|Dr. Anand Veeravagu, MD, Richard Joseph|January 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST This contact said the agent was treatable with Visostgman-Physostigmine, Alberodquisan, and Vitamin B6. Yes, Syria Used Chemical Weapons|David Frum|January 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST The research in this area is clear: They are not treatable and these offenders pose the greatest risk to the public. Sandusky Lawyer Reveals Appeal Plan|Diane Dimond|October 11, 2012|DAILY BEAST
They will be telling the world that childhood psychiatric and learning disorders are real, common, and treatable. Dr. Harold Koplewicz: a New Poll That Trivializes ADHD Is Nonsense|Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz|May 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST Now, demoralization is not a treatable condition—not, certainly, in the medical sense. When You Don't Know Where to Turn|Steven J. Bartlett Most psychological conditions (there are exceptions, as we will see) are not, at least at present, treatable in the medical sense. When You Don't Know Where to Turn|Steven J. Bartlett Then the kings called the King of Ireland, and found him goodly and treatable. Le Morte D'Arthur, Volume I (of II)|Thomas Malory