The scientists in Louisiana chose alligators, Dixon says, because these animals have been found recently in both freshwater and saltwater environments.
Whales get a second life as deep-sea buffets|Stephen Ornes|October 15, 2020|Science News For Students
They prefer living in saltwater and are more aggressive than alligators.
Let’s learn about alligators and crocodiles|Bethany Brookshire|September 29, 2020|Science News For Students
This group includes modern crocodiles, alligators and their ancestors.
These crocodile ancestors lived a two-legged life|Carolyn Gramling|July 23, 2020|Science News For Students
In another study, children saw a puppet show where a mouse was eaten by an alligator.
Why Are Millennials Unfriending Organized Religion?|Vlad Chituc|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You can even purchase a “Canned Exotic Meat Gift Set,” which includes rattlesnake, alligator, elk, and buffalo.
Camel in a Can and 6 More Weird Canned Meats||January 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Consider one bold, green dress with a voluminous skirt that shimmered with what looked like the green scales of an alligator.
Vali sings while playing with an alligator on a pink swing set, hustling at a lemonade stand and dancing with shadowy creatures.
Miley Cyrus, Arcade Fire & More Best Music Videos of the Week (VIDEO)|Victoria Kezra|September 15, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The decorated band is divided into panels, three of which are long and contain figures of the alligator.
Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia|William Henry Holmes
Familiarity with the manner in which the alligator disposes of his victims.
The Comic English Grammar|Unknown
She was relieved, in her return to the water, to see that the alligator had gone—which way, she could not tell.
Linda Carlton's Island Adventure|Edith Lavell
The alligator gave a spring, and began to flounder in the sand, while his companions deserted him, taking to the water.
Down South|Oliver Optic
Indeed, there was something kindlier in it than you would think of an alligator.
The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844|Various
British Dictionary definitions for alligator
/ (ˈælɪˌɡeɪtə) /
a large crocodilian, Alligator mississipiensis, of the southern US, having powerful jaws and sharp teeth and differing from the crocodiles in having a shorter and broader snout: family Alligatoridae (alligators and caymans)
a similar but smaller species, A. sinensis, occurring in China near the Yangtse River
any crocodilian belonging to the family Alligatoridae
any of various tools or machines having adjustable toothed jaws, used for gripping, crushing, or compacting
Word Origin for alligator
C17: from Spanish el lagarto the lizard, from Latin lacerta
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