However, for sharks—and Tracy Jordan—every week is Shark Week.
Shark Deathmatch, Crazy ‘Simpsons’ Couch Gag, and More Viral Videos|Alex Chancey|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Within a year, she had signed on Combs and Gwyneth Paltrow, as well as celebrity fitness guru Tracy Anderson, as her clients.
Feeding Diddy’s Art Addiction: How Maria Brito Buys Art for Celebrites|Justin Jones|July 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He simply was enjoying a ride home after performing at a packed theater with Tracy Morgan.
TMZ Makes Tragedy Porn Out of Tracy Morgan’s Gruesome Car Accident|Dean Obeidallah|June 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Olivia: The Tracy Anderson Method is a dance cardio workout “committed to helping people transform their bodies and their lives.”
We Were Gwyneth’s GOOP Guinea Pigs|Erin Cunningham, Olivia Nuzzi|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Halting a few paces away, Tracy motioned to us to avoid moving the bushes, but to approach the fence and look between the rails.
Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V2|Jacob Dolson Cox
This was handed to Charles with instructions to forward it to Tracy Park.
Gretchen|Mary J. Holmes
Captain Tracy had for some time been intently examining her through his telescope.
The Missing Ship|W. H. G. Kingston
Jack stopped for a breath and Tracy took up the conversation.
Chiquita, an American Novel|Merrill Tileston
Mrs. Tracy gathered the dusty feet into her lap and wiped them with her lace handkerchief.
Old Caravan Days|Mary Hartwell Catherwood
British Dictionary definitions for Tracy
/ (ˈtreɪsɪ) /
Spencer . 1900–67, US film actor. His films include The Power and the Glory (1933), Captains Courageous (1937) and Boys' Town (1938), for both of which he won Oscars, Adam's Rib (1949), and Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)