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[ al-i-gawr-i-kuhl, -gor- ] / ˌæl ɪˈgɔr ɪ kəl, -ˈgɒr- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR allegorical ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveconsisting of or pertaining to allegory; of the nature of or containing allegory; figurative: an allegorical poem;an allegorical meaning. Also al·le·gor·ic [al-i-gawr-ik, -gor-] /ˌæl ɪˈgɔr ɪk, -ˈgɒr-/ . Origin of allegorical1520–30; <Late Latin allēgoricus (<Greek allēgorikós;see allegory, -ic) + -al1 OTHER WORDS FROM allegoricalal·le·gor·i·cal·ly, adverbal·le·gor·i·cal·ness, nounnon·al·le·gor·ic, adjectivenon·al·le·gor·i·cal, adjective non·al·le·gor·i·cal·ly, adverbsem·i·al·le·gor·ic, adjectivesem·i·al·le·gor·i·cal, adjectivesem·i·al·le·gor·i·cal·ly, adverbun·al·le·gor·i·cal, adjectiveun·al·le·gor·i·cal·ly, adverb Words nearby allegoricalAllegheny barberry, Allegheny Mountains, Allegheny spurge, allegiance, allegiant, allegorical, allegorist, allegoristic, allegorize, allegory, Allegra Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for allegoricalIt was around this time that the allegorical artistic genre of the Danse Macabre, or “Dance of the Death,” became popular. Ebola Rages in West Africa, Reigniting Humanity’s Oldest Fear: The Plague|Scott Bixby|August 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST That the allegorical nature of Red Moon speaks to so many issues may be what contributes to an ending where things fall apart. The Werewolf Novel as Post-9/11 Political Allegory?|Roxane Gay|May 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST In an allegorical movie about going to “the zone” to get to “the room” where all your wishes come true. Geoff Dyer Takes on Andrei Tarkovsky’s Film ‘Stalker’ in ‘Zona’|Chris Wallace|February 25, 2012|DAILY BEAST Her sensuous, penetrating paintings present an allegorical realm, where beauty is eternal and dreams come true. Julie Heffernan's Earthly Delights|Paul Laster|June 25, 2009|DAILY BEAST
There was about it an undulating and aerial grace, such as one might dream of for some mythic and allegorical being. Uncle Tom's Cabin|Harriet Beecher Stowe Upon the outside of the arch are groups of splendidly executed statuary, representing scenes of conquest and allegorical figures. Odd Bits of Travel with Brush and Camera|Charles M. Taylor, Jr. The allegorical character of the parable, with its elaborate interpretation in vss. Sources of the Synoptic Gospels|Carl S. Patton It might be compared to an allegorical engraving by some artist of the sixteenth century—Robeta or the Master of the Caduceus. Renaissance in Italy: Italian Literature|John Addington Symonds Three allegorical stories illustrating Tolstoy's theories of non-resistance, and the essential unity of all forms of life. The Transfiguration of Miss Philura|Florence Morse Kingsley
British Dictionary definitions for allegorical
adjectiveused in, containing, or characteristic of allegory Derived forms of allegoricalallegorically, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to allegoricalfigurative, metaphorical, illustrative, emblematic, parabolic, symbolizing, typifying |