More weakly fused participants were, perhaps unsurprisingly, much less biased, deleting about 0 to 9 percent of comments that didn’t jive with their views.
The Anonymous Culture Cops of the Internet - Facts So Romantic|Jesse Singal|August 12, 2020|Nautilus
Instead, she wanted to listen to her music and go disco-ing or to some jive concert.
"Spiteful" Diana Had "No Feeling For Her Husband or His Family" Says Lady Pamela Hicks|Tom Sykes|September 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Then, when Ali's jive began to bend toward something like truth, Lipsyte snatched those thoughts for his column.
On the Peninsula|Bryan Curtis|April 25, 2011|DAILY BEAST
British Dictionary definitions for jive
/ (dʒaɪv) /
a style of lively and jerky dance performed to jazz and, later, to rock and roll, popular esp in the 1940s and 1950s
Also called: jive talka variety of American slang spoken chiefly by Black people, esp jazz musicians
slang, mainlyUSdeliberately misleading or deceptive talk