释义 |
[ jey-fith ] / ˈdʒeɪ fɪθ /
nouna son of Noah. Genesis 5:32. Origin of JaphethFrom Late Latin, from Greek Iapheth, from Hebrew Yepheth Words nearby JaphethJapanglish, Japanism, Japanize, Japan wax, jape, Japheth, Japhetic, Japlish, Japn., japonaiserie, japonica Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for JaphethGod shall enlarge Japheth, And he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; And Canaan shall be his servant. The Story of Noah's Ark From the Bible’s Book of Genesis|The Daily Beast|March 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. The Story of Noah's Ark From the Bible’s Book of Genesis|The Daily Beast|March 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The Story of Noah's Ark From the Bible’s Book of Genesis|The Daily Beast|March 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST The Dabneys and the Farleys made one party, and Japheth knew the steamer and the sailing date. The Quickening|Francis Lynde
On the other hand, Shem and Japheth are blessed, but in comparison with Ham, they and their posterity are beggarly. Commentary on Genesis, Vol. II|Martin Luther Whether the mental powers of Shem and Japheth, were originally superior to those of Ham, we know not. A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin|A. Woodward These are two independent branches of the tree of living forms, as the Greeks and Romans were branches of the stock of Japheth. Concerning Animals and Other Matters|E.H. Aitken, (AKA Edward Hamilton) Japheth's going to surprise you some, I reckon, son; he's gone and got religion. The Quickening|Francis Lynde
British Dictionary definitions for Japheth
nounOld Testament the second son of Noah, traditionally regarded as the ancestor of a number of non-Semitic nations (Genesis 10:1–5) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |