Jap, japan, Japan cedar, Japan clover, Japan Current, Japanese, Japanese Americans, internment of, Japanese andromeda, Japanese anemone, Japanese arborvitae, Japanese artichoke
But I think Steve Austin has to team up with a Japanese holdout to stop a nuclear bomb from going off or something.
‘Archer’ Creator Adam Reed Spills Season 6 Secrets, From Surreal Plotlines to Life Post-ISIS|Marlow Stern|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Wrapees was the term marines used for the Japanese because they had wrapping round their legs.
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile|Robert Ward|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Finally free of Japanese interference, Korea elected its first autonomous government in almost half a century.
Propaganda, Protest, and Poisonous Vipers: The Cinema War in Korea|Rich Goldstein|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Branch grew up in Queens, NY, the daughter of an African American man and a Japanese woman.
Goodbye To A Natural Hair Guru: Miss Jessie's Cofounder Titi Branch Dead At 45|Danielle Belton|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He spent 47 days on a raft and survived only to be captured by the Japanese.
Dick Cheney vs. ‘Unbroken’|Mike Barnicle|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A glance at some Chinese and Japanese methods of cookery may perhaps convince us of the probability of these remarks.
Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome|Apicius
Although there is an element of truth in this, yet it is useless as a support for the theory of Japanese "impersonality."
Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic|Sidney L. Gulick
By this term I would designate that period in Japanese history in which mythology and history are so blended as to be inseparable.
The Gist of Japan|R. B. Peery
What kind of merchandise would the Japanese buy, and what had 226 they to sell, were naturally the first objects of inquiry.
The Englishman in China During the Victorian Era, Vol. I (of 2)|Alexander Michie
The metals of which Japanese bronzes were made consisted of curious alloys, the composition of which was long kept a secret.
Chats on Old Copper and Brass|Fred. W. Burgess
British Dictionary definitions for Japanese
/ (ˌdʒæpəˈniːz) /
of, relating to, or characteristic of Japan, its people, or their language
plural-nesea native or inhabitant of Japan or a descendant of one
the official language of Japan: the native language of approximately 100 million people: considered by some scholars to be part of the Altaic family of languages