[ kar -uh -van ] SHOW IPA
noun a group of travelers, as merchants or pilgrims, journeying together for safety in passing through deserts, hostile territory, etc.
any group traveling in or as if in a caravan and using a specific mode of transportation, as pack animals or motor vehicles: a caravan of trucks; a camel caravan.
a large covered vehicle for conveying passengers, goods, a sideshow, etc.; van.
Chiefly British . a house on wheels; trailer.
verb (used with object), car·a·vaned or car·a·vanned, car·a·van·ing or car·a·van·ning. to carry in or as if in a caravan: Trucks caravaned food and medical supplies to the flood's survivors.
verb (used without object), car·a·vaned or car·a·vanned, car·a·van·ing or car·a·van·ning. to travel in or as if in a caravan: They caravaned through Egypt.
Origin of caravan 1590–1600; earlier carovan <Italian carovana <Persian kārwān
SYNONYMS FOR caravan 1 parade, procession, train, cavalcade, band.
OTHER WORDS FROM caravan car·a·van·ist, noun Words nearby caravan carapace, carat, Caratacus, Caratinga, Caravaggio, caravan , caravanner, caravansary, caravanserai, caravel, caraway
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for caravan After checking in, you will make your way to each designated checkpoint, as part of a caravan of vehicles.
Out Brigade D.C. Pride ‘Parade’ set for Oct. 10 | Lou Chibbaro Jr.| October 8, 2020| Washington Blade
No child dreams of fleeing north in a migrant caravan , growing up to become a cartel hit man, or collecting “rent” for a street gang.
U.S. policies created the border and drug crises—and can end them | jakemeth| September 24, 2020| Fortune
Border closures have scuttled the constant caravan s of interior design and luxury fashion shows in Milan, London, New York, and Paris.
Sweatpants craze and DIY patios: What the pandemic has taught design-led businesses—so far | claychandler| August 18, 2020| Fortune
A caravan of trams stuck in the middle of the medieval city waited in line for the protest to end.
Ukraine’s Home Front Grows War Weary | Anna Nemtsova| October 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I met a girl on holiday in a caravan park—which you guys call a trailer park—and she was from Northern Ireland.
Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy on 'Eleanor Rigby,' First Heartbreak, and Robin Williams | Marlow Stern| September 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The caravan was carrying humanitarian aid, Russian authorities said.
Russia's Suspicious Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine Separatists | Anna Nemtsova| August 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The progress of the caravan of SUVs and buses ferrying the embassy staff out to Tunisia was monitored in real-time in Washington.
U.S. Diplomats and Marines Close Embassy and Flee Libya Fighting | Jamie Dettmer| July 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A caravan from Windsor, Ontario across the river recently delivered a couple of hundred gallons to needy customers.
Detroit Shuts Off Water to Residents but Not to Businesses Who Owe Millions | Mary M. Chapman| July 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Sabbata however traveled not by water, but by land, by way of Hebron and Gaza, probably joining a caravan through the desert.
History of the Jews, Vol. V (of 6) | Heinrich Graetz
Then I visited Hlaje Tsering with the corner pillars of my caravan .
Trans-Himalaya, Vol. 1 (of 2) | Sven Hedin
Further on we caught up with a caravan of travelling merchants with their camels and pack-horses.
At the Court of the Amr | John Alfred Gray
Somehow, in spite of the reception given the caravan , he was uneasy.
The Weakling | Everett B. Cole
Perhaps no caravan had more success than ours during the first month of the journey.
Lillian Morris, and Other Stories | Henryk Sienkiewicz
British Dictionary definitions for caravan noun a large enclosed vehicle capable of being pulled by a car or lorry and equipped to be lived in US and Canadian name: trailer (as modifier ) a caravan site (esp in some parts of Asia and Africa) a company of traders or other travellers journeying together, often with a train of camels, through the desert
a group of wagons, pack mules, camels, etc, esp travelling in single file
a large covered vehicle, esp a gaily coloured one used by Romany Gypsies, circuses, etc
verb -vans , -vanning or -vanned (intr) British to travel or have a holiday in a caravan
Derived forms of caravan caravanning , noun Word Origin for caravan C16: from Italian caravana, from Persian kārwān
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to caravan cavalcade, convoy, procession, expedition, band, train, troop, safari, campers