[ verb in-vahyt ; noun in -vahyt ] SHOW IPA
/ verb ɪnˈvaɪt; noun ˈɪn vaɪt / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used with object), in·vit·ed, in·vit·ing. to request the presence or participation of in a kindly, courteous, or complimentary way, especially to request to come or go to some place, gathering, entertainment, etc., or to do something: to invite friends to dinner.
to request politely or formally: to invite donations.
to act so as to bring on or render probable: to invite accidents by fast driving.
to call forth or give occasion for: Those big shoes invite laughter.
to attract, allure, entice, or tempt.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used without object), in·vit·ed, in·vit·ing. to give invitation; offer attractions or allurements.
Origin of invite First recorded in 1525–35, invite is from the Latin word invītāre
SYNONYMS FOR invite 1 bid.
2 solicit.
5 lure, draw.
synonym study for invite 1 . See call.
OTHER WORDS FROM invite in·vi·tee [in-vi-tee , -vahy-], /ˌɪn vɪˈti, -vaɪ-/, noun in·vit·er, in·vi·tor, noun pre·in·vite, verb (used with object), pre·in·vit·ed, pre·in·vit·ing. qua·si-in·vit·ed, adjective re·in·vite, verb, re·in·vit·ed, re·in·vit·ing. self-in·vit·ed, adjective un·in·vit·ed, adjective
Words nearby invite invisible shadow, invisible spectrum, invitation, invitational, invitatory, invite , invitee, inviting, in vitro, in vitro fertilization, in vivo
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for invite Tend to your own garden, to quote the great sage of free speech, Voltaire, and invite people to follow your example.
How the PC Police Threaten Free Speech | Nick Gillespie| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Giving in to the demands of such a leader will, without question, invite greater aggression and brutality.
The Sony Hack and America’s Craven Capitulation To Terror | David Keyes| December 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Giving in, even the slightest amount to international gangsters, will only invite higher prices and worse consequences.
The Sony Hack and America’s Craven Capitulation To Terror | David Keyes| December 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I invite you to reflect on the actual power dynamic between Christians and LGBT people in our society.
Do LGBTs Owe Christians an Olive Branch? Try The Other Way Around | Jay Michaelson| December 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
She says that Cosby tried to invite her to dinner again, but she declined.
Bill Cosby’s Long List of Accusers (So Far): 18 Alleged Sexual Assault Victims Between 1965-2004 | Marlow Stern| November 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As your host for the evening, I invite you to go to the drawing-room and dance something a little more modern than the minuet.
Peter Cotterell's Treasure | Rupert Sargent Holland
Joan was not one to invite a warm affection in another woman at the outset.
The Imaginary Marriage | Henry St. John Cooper
But we can invite him to open, and the one form of invitation that scarcely ever fails is for you to give him your confidence.
Religious Education in the Family | Henry F. Cope
Lady Carrington has been kind enough to send round this morning to invite you.
To-morrow night, or after to-morrow night, I presume that the orators will invite me to their board.
Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O | Various
British Dictionary definitions for invite verb (ɪnˈvaɪt ) (tr) to ask (a person or persons) in a friendly or polite way (to do something, attend an event, etc) he invited them to dinner
to make a request for, esp publicly or formally to invite applications
to bring on or provoke; give occasion for you invite disaster by your actions
to welcome or tempt
noun (ˈɪnvaɪt ) an informal word for invitation
Derived forms of invite inviter , noun Word Origin for invite C16: from Latin invītāre to invite, entertain, from in- ² + -vītāre, probably related to Greek hiesthai to be desirous of
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to invite urge, draw, lead, propose, welcome, request, woo, tempt, summon, encourage, persuade, call, insist, suggest, press, attract, lure, court, solicit, pray