[ in-ves -ti-geyt ] SHOW IPA
/ ɪnˈvɛs tɪˌgeɪt / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used with object), in·ves·ti·gat·ed, in·ves·ti·gat·ing. to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail.
to search out and examine the particulars of in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex, especially in an attempt to find a motive, cause, or culprit: The police are investigating the murder.
verb (used without object), in·ves·ti·gat·ed, in·ves·ti·gat·ing. to make inquiry, examination, or investigation.
Origin of investigate 1500–10; <Latin investīgātus, past participle of investīgāre to follow a trail, search out. See in-2 , vestige, -ate1
OTHER WORDS FROM investigate in·ves·ti·ga·tive, in·ves·ti·ga·to·ry [in-ves -ti-guh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee], /ɪnˈvɛs tɪ gəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/, adjective in·ves·ti·ga·tor, noun pre·in·ves·ti·gate, verb, pre·in·ves·ti·gat·ed, pre·in·ves·ti·gat·ing. pre·in·ves·ti·ga·tor, noun qua·si-in·ves·ti·gat·ed, adjective re·in·ves·ti·gate, verb, re·in·ves·ti·gat·ed, re·in·ves·ti·gat·ing. un·in·ves·ti·gat·ed, adjective un·in·ves·ti·gat·ing, adjective un·in·ves·ti·ga·tive, adjective un·in·ves·ti·ga·to·ry, adjective well-in·ves·ti·gat·ed, adjective
Words nearby investigate invert soap, invert sugar, invest, investable, investigable, investigate , investigation, investigative new drug, investigator, investing cartilage, investitive
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for investigate When there were disputes between students, Mecallari would leave one party with Ramos while he went to investigate .
In The Shadow of Murdered Cops | Michael Daly| December 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Starr stresses that universities are required under Title IX to investigate and intervene in sexual assault cases.
Is Columbia Failing Campus Rape Victims? | Lizzie Crocker| November 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The campaign also said that they would be asking state and federal authorities to investigate .
Grimes Campaign “Exploring Legal Options” Against McConnell | Ben Jacobs| October 31, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The National Transportation Safety Board also will investigate the crash, a spokesman told The Daily Beast.
SpaceShipTwo Flew on Untested Rocket | Dave Majumdar, Clive Irving| October 31, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It had been a headline case, and a task force of over a hundred detectives had been assigned to investigate .
The Myth of the Central Park Five | Edward Conlon| October 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The officers decided to investigate while the inmates of the house were still asleep.
Hands Up; or Thirty-Five Years of Detective Life in the Mountains and on the Plains | D. J. Cook
Minnie, if I were you I really should not investigate those papers.
The Story of the Gadsby | Rudyard Kipling
Some trustees were appointed to investigate the whole affair, for Fred was as ignorant as a child of all pertaining to the mill.
Hope Mills | Amanda M. Douglas
Medical practitioners, who derive an enormous revenue from dyspepsia, should take some pains to investigate this subject.
A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines | Andrew Ure
At another place in the same neighbourhood a wolf, coming in to investigate our camp, was attacked by my big deerhound Tom.
Through the Heart of Patagonia | H. Hesketh Prichard
British Dictionary definitions for investigate verb to inquire into (a situation or problem, esp a crime or death) thoroughly; examine systematically, esp in order to discover the truth
Derived forms of investigate investigable , adjective investigative or investigatory , adjective Word Origin for investigate C16: from Latin investīgāre to search after, from in- ² + vestīgium track; see vestige
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to investigate search, inspect, consider, explore, study, probe, question, scrutinize, interrogate, examine, review, prospect, spy, scout, tap, frisk, inquire, dig, research, read